Chapter 9

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A/N: so i'm posting this today cos i'm going on holiday for a week on friday and i'm not sure if i'll be able to post or not, also another thought on Quinn: when he's on strike he's actually like hot? like albert's trying to bargain and he's like 'nahh mate' and pulls his sweet ass fedora over his face and kicks his feet up like why do i find that attractive 😤 (drake's still the best tho)

Warnings: welllllll so no smut exactly but there's some ✨kissing✨, guns, swearing, really unrealistic description of shooting a pigeon

Word count: 1448

The high pitched rasp of the Pack Leader's voice wakes me.

'Darkness say we go where Whip Hand go.'

I blink my eyes open. It's light, morning by the looks of it. 'Whip Hand, huh?' I mutter.

Drake shifts me in his arms. 'Yeah. They were being a bit snappy about our pace so I got a bit of practice with it.' The tip twitches against my ribs, and I reach down and brush it with my fingers. It's warmer than I expected, smoother, dryer. He curls it around my pinky, and I smile sleepily.

'I'll give you a break, hm?' I say, still a little dazed.

'That would be nice,' he replies dryly, lowering me to the ground, and I stretch out my legs, examining his face.

'You do look tired, but I don't really want to try and carry you, especially with the whip hand,' I smirk, and he grins back.

'It's fine, we're nearing the treeline close to Coates.'

A wood pigeon coos overhead as I reach back into my waistband to check if my pistol is still there. It is, so I pull it out, checking how many bullets I've got left - the rest of my ammo still back at Coates. I flip the pistol in my hands so it's in the position to fire, aiming at the pigeon. I squint, aiming at it while it coos down at the barrel.

'Pigeon's got to be similar to chicken, right?' I say to Drake. 'All the fresh meat's gone off and I'm not going to eat the rabbits our coyote friends catch.'

'Go ahead, we'll cook it when we arrive.'

My finger squeezes the trigger before he's even finished the sentence, and I take a few quick steps forward to catch the dead pigeon while something near a hundred coyote eyes watch the meat fall from the sky like something from the Bible. I turn around, facing them, dangling the pigeon by its legs from my fingers. 'See, magic.'

I sling the pigeon over my shoulder, blowing the smoke away and winking at the coyotes. Linking arms with Drake, I throw him a smile as we carry on walking. The coyotes lope ahead of us, sensing we're near to our destination, and they stream ahead of us as we break through the treeline at the edge of Coates. I see Caine raise his hands, Diana frowning as she watches the coyotes, COmputer Jack cowering behind her. I stride out into the open, ahead of Drake.

'Stop!' I yell. 'They won't hurt you.' I throw Diana a devilish smile. 'But this might.'

Drake comes up behind me, and I see her face pale, Caine's hands lower, eyes widening.

'I thought you were dead,' he murmurs.

'I'm back, and better than ever,' Drake says, using his signature shark smile. He cracks the whip hand, slamming it down on Diana's shoulder. 'Sorry,' he snarks, eyes on the small trickle of blood on her now off white blouse. 'I'm still working on my aim.'

I grin to myself at the look of shock on Diana's face when Caine, instead of lashing out at Drake for hurting her, simply smiles. 'Welcome back, you two.'

I show him the pigeon. 'Thanks, but Drake and I have to do some cooking.'


Stomach as full of pigeon meat as it can get, I shower in the Coates bathroom then go back to the classroom where Drake and I slept after Computer Jack filmed Andrew's poof. Grabbing one of Drake's hoodies - black, like the rest of his clothes, minus his Coates school uniform - I curl up on the floor, slipping it over my head and grabbing my pistol to clean it. Caine peeks in, and I look up.

A Rebel in Black: Drake Merwin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now