This! Is! Not Spartaaaa!!! XD Get it~?
Lol my jokes are terrible . 3. I should probably stop... *stops*
*Five seconds later* Who wants to hear a joke? XD
Anyways, this lovely *cough cough* more like deadly Ō_Ō *cough cough* lady is Rose in her battle form!
She's mostly in this form and let me tell you, it scares the shit out of the Barians in the Barian world! XD She's a fierce woman!
And yes, there are flowers on her. Yes. The one on her shield is a hibiscus and the one on her chest isn't really a for real flower. I don't have a name off it yet, but I will! X3 And the circle in the middle of the flower is Rose's Baria Crystal...thingy... You know what I mean!
Here's a little bit of Rose's bio!
Personality: A fierce and justified woman, Rose deeply cares for her friends and family, especially Vector and their three kids. (They're adopted! XD They didn't do the nasty!) Rose is one of Barian World's strongest warriors. The only ones who are able to beat her are Alito and Girag, though, their spars often end up in draws. She has a RARE shy side that only shows up when Vector/Rei is around because for obvious reasons XD Oh, and DON'T mess with her hair! She hates that! Don't do it! O-o Vector already did for a prank and he got creamed...
History: She was founded and adopted by Nahoa Evermore when she was found by him in the middle of the forest with no memories of who she was before the two met.
A note, my little dreamers! Rose's history depends on what story I put her in! For the Dream Girl, it's the above paragraph, but for the other stories? Well, you'll have to wait and find out! XD
Yes, . 3. I'm putting her in more books. A LOT more books! XD I don't have just ONE scenario of her and Vector in my head! I have millions!
And all are interestjng books, so when the Dream Girl is done, stayed tuned for more stories about Rose and Vector and the other Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal cast members and my O.Cs! ^^

My Art Book!
RandomHey, guys! So I got this new sketchbook (2/1/15) and now I finally have a place where I can draw my stuff! :D I'll be posting them here for you guys to see! Please note that I'm not good at drawing . 3. I do it cuz it's fun! And I know absolutely NO...