This is Secret, my O.C. for Arc V and she is wearing a dress XD That's not her actual clothing cuz I'm still coming up with something for her to wear :3
I'm only 20 episodes in for Arc V but I dun care! XD I only started last week, so yeah. No one give me spoilers. I swear if you do, I will NEVER give you cookies!
ANYWAYS! Secret isn't her real name she just likes to keep it a secret, thus people call her secret! :3
Her deck is a F.S. (Final Sacrifice) deck. It's completely made up and I'm still putting it together >3< Does she have an ace? Yes! She has one ace for everyone deck she has. (She can use all types of summons ((except pendul but she has to have them in separate decks because she can't use them all at once :P)
Also guys...
Imma tell you a secret here...
He's my bae~ (●♡ω♡) I looooooooooooooove him so much, he's so amazing! I don't care what people say about him, he's AMAZING IN SO MANY WAYS! (●♡ω♡)
Gogenzaka, please marry meh! >ω<

My Art Book!
RandomHey, guys! So I got this new sketchbook (2/1/15) and now I finally have a place where I can draw my stuff! :D I'll be posting them here for you guys to see! Please note that I'm not good at drawing . 3. I do it cuz it's fun! And I know absolutely NO...