I've been tagged by Crimson_Ice in this challenge, unfortunately ^^"
So let's begin!
1) I like to make friends! :D Making friends is a fun way to improve myself as a person! ^^
2) I have a SHORT temper. It doesn't show much here on Wattpad cuz not many people piss me off here. Well, except for one person but she's gone now!
3) I don't trust that much people so I rarely open up to anyone. Why? Because everyone's treated me in a rude, unfair, unjust, annoying way and I've been taken advantage of many times before because of my kindness!
4) I like to draw in my free time! ^ω^
5) My best friend on Wattpad is Millie_Astral! :D And I'm very protective of her so back the hell off! She's mah best friend! V0V
6) Speaking of friends, I have very few friends in real life! No, my life isn't sad or "lonely" -_- I'm just content with the people I have as friend in real life because I know that those friends that I have has my back no matter what.
7) I don't like it when people are rude to me or anyone else who's close to me. You be rude to me or one of my friends? Bye, bitch!
8) I love swearing and I will not ever hold back! And I will NOT change anything about it or lessen it so don't even ask!
9) I am a very nice and shy person but once you get to know me, inappropriate and crazy stuff everywhere! XD
10) I don't say things just for show. I mean the fuck out of the words I say so when I say something, I MEAN it. No bluffing, no lying, nothing.
11) My birthday is January 11! Capricorns, fuck yeah! >:D And Rabbits for those of who follow the Chinese years! ^3^
12) I'm born and raised in Hawaii, Oahu! ^3^ Hawaiian stuff, bruh! Dat's da how! (That's an inside joke) Haole to you too! (Haha, stupid haoles X3 Also an inside joke)
13) I want to go back to Disneyland so badly! I love that place! :D
14) I have WAY too many crushes, real life and anime/cartoon life. XD
15) I dont like ignorant or stubborn people. If you're any of those two or anything similar to it, we won't get along well.
16) I'm the shortest person in my family. I stand at 4' 9" I may be short but I'm hella proud of it!
17) I love to speak any kine of language I know! :D So kumusta and aloha! Mahal kita! ^3^
18) I LOVE Wattpad! ^^ It's the only app I use daily!
19) I am a very humble and modest person so secretly I could be a very talented person who's just keeping quiet about her talent! Maybe.
20) Blue is and will always be my favorite color even though I'm sick of it XD
Mahalo nui loan so reading this load of crap XD("thank you very much" in Hawaiian)
So who will I tag? Well... Sorry to all those I tag! X3 l
Millie_Astral (Just for fun >:3)
And bumblebee0356 >:DGood luck you guys~ ^3^ Baaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!

My Art Book!
AléatoireHey, guys! So I got this new sketchbook (2/1/15) and now I finally have a place where I can draw my stuff! :D I'll be posting them here for you guys to see! Please note that I'm not good at drawing . 3. I do it cuz it's fun! And I know absolutely NO...