Updates Again! Pt 2

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mangsacrazy92 here is that second picture I'm drawing for you! :D Just one more! >w<

I put a LOT of thought into this picture. @.@ I honestly don't know why but I did!

I always see people drawing pictures of their O.Cs with an anime character as something epic and happy and etc.

I got tired of that REALLY quick. Heck, seeing one of those made me irritated as fuck! I hate those kind of pictures now .-. Especially here on Wattpad. There's too much of it. And it's fucking annoying. Well, it depends on the picture and what it's about but I still HATE them WITH. A. PASSION.


*ten minutes of calming myself down later* ANYWAYS! Forget all that (¬_¬) Forget it ever happened. I DIDN'T just "explode" with bottled up anger there. You guys never read that.

ANYWAYS! I thought: "Why not a tragic moment?" I NEVER EVER see the tragic pictures here, never! I see them in other places just not here.

Oh and your characters looking sad and crying DOESN'T count! Well, again, it depends. But still! It doesn't count.

*calms down and goes back to the subject at hand* And thus came this picture! ^-^

As you can see, drawing this picture means a lot to me! :D Also, it annoyed the hell out of me because drawing a tree is hard and as I was drawing this I thought about how people overdo things! o-e *sarcastic voice* Yeah, totally "random" thought there! Ha, ha!

I love it so very much because this picture is so amazing to me! :D Mostly cuz I drew a tree! XD I don't know about you, but I hate drawing trees!

I calling this picture Rose's Unknown Grave

Why did I call this picture that? Well, you'll just have to wait until I finish this! X3

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