I made someone cry.
So there was this girl who recently joined Drill Team and guess what? She was talking shit about Drill Team, Color guard AND threatening to punch my best friend David's face!
She can't march for shit! She can't keep on step, she can't do her left and right faces, SHE CAN'T EVEN DO BASIC MARCHING STYLE. She doesn't even know her lefts and her rights and she has the nerve to talk shit about Drill Team? MY Drill Team?
I'm the commander so I didn't this news so well. I also didn't take it so well when I heard that she was TRYING TO PUNCH MY BEST FRIEND'S FACE!
First of all, she can't do shit! She shouldn't even be talking shit! She shouldn't even be in Drill Team!
Second of all, I'm the fucking commander of Drill Team. If she has a problem she needs to bring it to me and SAY. IT. TO MY. FUCKING. FACE.
Third, she tried to punch my best friend's face! How fucking dare she! Me and David are both CAPTAINS and she's a fucking PRIVATE. If anything, WE should punch HER in the face.
Anyways long story short, I confronted her about it and made her cry.
What? She deserved it -_- Ain't no way am I gonna allow some bitch who can't even get her LEFTS and RIGHTS talk shit about MY Drill Team and threaten to punch my best friend in the face!
I stand up to this kind of bull crap and do not tolerate it at all.

My Art Book!
SonstigesHey, guys! So I got this new sketchbook (2/1/15) and now I finally have a place where I can draw my stuff! :D I'll be posting them here for you guys to see! Please note that I'm not good at drawing . 3. I do it cuz it's fun! And I know absolutely NO...