Chapter いち

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contains a hella fucking cringe at some points, enjoy.

Third-person POV

The classroom was buzzing, in one corner you had the quiet ones, mainly Shikamaru ignoring Choji's attempt at conversation, just trying to sleep. On another side, you had fangirls being, well fangirls, over the brooding Uchiha. Then there was Naruto arguing with Sasuke. Naruto had jumped on the desk and was staring at Sasuke, trying to intimidate him. That was until he was pushed by some idiot, which resulted in him landing on Sasuke and they kissed. They stared at each other in shock, wide-eyed, and the rest of the class did too. The classroom became dead silent. A few seconds passed, and then Naruto got over the shock he quickly got off Sasuke. 

Everyone reacted differently, the fangirls were jealous, and Kiba made fun of them and laughed. Shikamaru was indifferent, Hinata was shocked, and Choji just kept eating from his bag of chips. Naruto and Sasuke were both mad and seemed disgusted. Sakura followed by Ino, came to reprimand Naruto, while Sakura hit him on the head for stealing "her Sasuke-Kun's" first kiss. Naruto rubbed his head and apologised with his signature grin.

Time passed, and eventually, Iruka came in and the graduation exams started. As time went on students took their turn in taking the exam, and then, inevitably it was Naruto's turn. He walked into the exam room and did as instructed. He failed miserably at everything, the shadow clones being the most disappointing. Most of the instructors in the room were pleased with the terrible results, as long as they could prevent it, they would never allow the jinchuriki to become a ninja.

"You fail." Said Iruka sensei as he looked at Naruto with disappointment and sadness. Naruto sighed defeated as he exited the examination room.

He had failed again.

Naruto sat on a swing and watched sadly as parents picked up their children, who discreetly gave him the stink eye. Naruto, however,  seemed to not notice. He then realised a figure had approached him, it was Mizuki sensei. "I know of a way you can become genin." Mizuki offered and proceeded to explain what Naruto needed to do. All he needed to do was to get a scroll. Easy.

So he did, Naruto found sneaking into the Hokage tower surprisingly easy. Afterwards, he went to the forest where Mizuki said he would be. Naruto didn't see him anywhere, so he read the scroll. That is where he read about Kage bushin no Jutsu (  かげ ぶしん の じゅつ)  which he later used in his fight against Mizuki when Iruka showed up and told him Mizuki was deceiving him. Iruka protected Naruto, then they worked together to bring down Mizuki, which unfortunately ended up escaping.

After the battle, Iruka recognized Naruto's bravery and congratulated Naruto. "Here, you've earned this," Iruka said handing Naruto a headband. Naruto's eyes widened, and then he hugged Iruka. "Thanks, Iruka sensei!" Naruto cheered.
Later Iruka left, for the hospital to treat his wounds, he had tried to get Naruto to come along with him but then gave up after Naruto convinced him he was unscathed and that anything could be cured with a steaming bowl of ramen. Naruto watched Iruka walk away until he could no longer see him, and then he turned the opposite way and walked. As he walked away in the direction Mizuki had disappeared. 

To this day Muzuki's whereabouts are unknown, many assumed after his betrayal to Konoha he was hunted down by their nin, but it was only a rumour. Only one knew what had happened to him, where his body lay. As Naruto kept walking, his face twisted as a menacing grin, and his eyes became blood red.


Hope you enjoyed, it I know the first chapter was short, but the next chapters will be longer and with a little more detail.

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