Chapter よん

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Third POV


That's what awoke ナルトうずまき (Naruto Uzumaki, ) that morning. He woke up alert and observed his surroundings. He then noticed the bed where Sasuke slept last night, was neatly made again. After the incident last night, Naruto cast a genjutsu on Sasuke. Making him believe everything that happened that night was just a dream. That of course was a lie. 

Naruto didn't dwell much on last night's incident, he had to focus on the ruckus coming from downstairs. He got up, pulled out a kunai, and then held it in his right hand. Naruto headed out of the room and down the stairs, quietly of course. He finally reached the source of the noise; the kitchen. That's when he saw two thugs, attacking Tazuna's daughter and her son. They hadn't seen Naruto yet, so he went for a surprise attack, suppressing his full strength of course.

Two thumps were heard as the enemies' bodies dropped simultaneously to the ground, unconscious. "Ah, Naruto!" Exclaimed Tazuna's daughter. "Are you guys alright?" Naruto asked, feigning worry. After receiving nods of confirmation from the family he looked to the ground where the thugs were. "I'll tie them up with rope, just in case they wake up. Also, do you know where the rest of my teammates went -tebayo?" Naruto asked as he tied up the thugs rather quickly. "They went to the bridge to guard my father as he worked on the bridge's construction." Naruto instantly got a bad feeling when she said that, so he said goodbye and went to the bridge.

'Well fuck.' Thought Naruto, that bad feeling was correct. Team seven was under the attack of Zabuza and the hunter nin. Kakashi was fighting against Zabuza, Sakura guarded Tazuna, and Sasuke... well it didn't look good, he was fighting the hunter nin, and losing.

Naruto's POV

I sighed, Kakashi and Sakura are good, guess princess Sasuke needs help. I ran onto the bridge when I passed Kakashi sensei I said, "Sensei, I'll help Sasuke dattebayo." At this Kakashi nodded, then got distracted as he was attacked again by Zabuza.

I ran towards Sasuke, who was so rounded No, ice mirrors. I tried breaking through them with my restrained strength, so they wouldn't suspect, but it didn't break. 'Fucking hell.'
Sasuke turned to me after he noticed my presence, right after my failed attempt. "I don't need your help Dobe," Sasuke stated with his stoic face. Well, it was stoic until he was attacked by my many sebon needles, making his injuries worse than they were already, he fell to the ground in pain. Just by looking at Sasuke, I can tell his stamina and chakra were running low. I frowned then muttered "teme."

I hate feeling, well, feeling, Unless it's anger and bloodlust. Anger was the emotion I felt when I saw Sasuke in danger of a lethal attack, this unexplainably pushed me to make a reckless decision I would later regret. 'Fucking idiot, he'll die at this rate.' Sasuke was only getting weaker, and the hunter nin was getting ready to throw the finishing blow that would inevitably kill Sasuke. As I realized this, something in me snapped. My eyes turned red, my whisker marks thickened, and a red chakra cloak enveloped me, my face turned emotionless.
I aimed a punch at the ice mirrors, causing them to shatter, making a lot of noise. The hunter nin's attack missed the barely conscious Sasuke. I oozed killing intent, I slowly turned to look at the hunter nin, then ran at him and grabbed him by the neck. I leaned near his ear and whispered, "You. Will. Die."

He seemed to just give up until he looked towards Zabuza. His eyes widened, and Kakashi was about to stab Zabuza through the heart with lightning. "Zabuza!" The hunter nin screamed, as he somehow released himself from my deadly grip and ran quickly to Zabuza and took the fatal blow for him. Kakashi's eyes widened, however, Zabuza seemed to not care and could care less about that situation, so instead, I let my anger fade, turning my appearance back to normal, and walked without hurry towards Sasuke. I kneeled before him, looked at his barely open eyes and said. "See? You did need my help, you idiot." Sasuke scoffed, well tried to, but it turned to a cough. I picked him up bridal style and headed towards Zabuza. Sasuke of course tried to resist but was too weak.

With my heightened sense of hearing, I heard Kakashi seemed to be explaining to Zabuza about Gato not going to even pay him after he finished the job, and how he would betray him. Zabuza was mad at hearing this, so when Gato and some thugs showed up on the bridge, he killed them all, Gato included. After that, Zabuza took Haku, who was barely alive, away.

I walked up to my team, they seemed surprised at Sasuke's state. Except for Kakashi sensei, who just raised an eyebrow. 

Kakashi's POV

'There's no mistake, that was the Kyuubi's chakra, I must tell the Hokage'

Third POV

Team seven started heading back to Konoha, leaving behind the newly named 'Naruto bridge.' 
 The walk was silent, there was some tension too, mostly between Naruto and Sasuke.

It had been only a day since they arrived in Konoha and reported to the Hokage, Kakashi stayed later to speak privately to the Hokage. Naruto could have cared less. But when Naruto arrived in the morning for training, when Kakashi arrived late, he only told Naruto that the Hokage wished to see him.

So Naruto went to the Hokage tower, he was redirected to a council meeting, where he was told the Hokage would be.

Naruto POV

'The fucking council must want me out of the village, seems they finally found a reason to do so.' I sighed as I pushed the doors to the council room open and entered, followed by 2 ANBU tailing me. The room became quiet as I entered, all attention was on me. I looked around as I entered, the civilian council, clan leaders, and my team were present, and obviously, the Hokage. I briefly glanced at Sasuke.

I was directed to stand next to the Hokage, and the meeting commenced. "Naruto Uzumaki, you have been summoned here because we have reason to believe the Kyuubi's seal has weakened. As you may have noticed your team is here. This is because they are witnesses to you losing control of the Kyuubi. I understand you aren't aware of what the situation with the Kyuubi is, so let me explain-" I cut the Hokage off by saying. "I already know about the overgrown ball of fur that lives rent-free in my head." As I finished they all shut up and stared at me. I was only really focusing on Sasuke, we were looking at each other, and no one else seemed to notice. "You know about it demon!?" Some idiot from the civilian council demanded, followed by other complaints by more from the civilian council. I could see the realization dawn on Sasuke and Sakura. 

"SILENCE!" Hiruzen ordered, and his commands were followed. "Who told you Naruto?" I was asked by a calm Hiruzen. I shrugged, "No one. I figured it out myself, I mean it was going to happen either way. It was either the Kyuubi, or I have a dark voice talking to me every day telling me to ki- keep training and other things." I lamely saved, they all seemed to believe my reasons. "Well, we also have reason to believe you are a threat to the village." Stated someone from the civilian council yet again. Hiruzen defended me. "The boy is the dead last of his class, and is barely a genin, he isn't a threat to the village." The clan heads seemed to agree to this. The meeting continued for a while longer, it was boring and repetitive. It consisted of people (mostly from the civilian council) arguing about something, or me answering questions, followed by more bickering from the people.

"Well, I guess that settles it then. Meeting adjourned." As he said, these people in the civilian council, started arguing and complaining out loud yet again. At this point everyone was standing up ready to leave, however, no one had exited yet.
"The demon brat can't be left off that easily!"
Among other insults were being thrown at me as I exited the room.

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