Chapter なな

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Naruto's POV
'What was I thinking?' I was having an existential crisis. I was with team seven, in the forest of death, hunting for the opposite scroll. We had already encountered a team that tried ambushing us, I made sure to take care of it, using the 'fake' Naruto's strength. I might have been distracted since the conversation with Ibiki, but not enough to let my team be killed by ninjas.

'I've been an idiot. I have become distracted, I even let my perfectly crafted mask, crack. And I messed around with Sasuke, I know it was for fun but, I must stop it before it gets too far. I've not shown my full strength but I recklessly played out hints for Shikamaru, and the Hokage and senseis. It would be dumb to just instantly switch back to my prankster, knucklehead personality, so I'll ease into it. I could excuse my past actions as... being cocky? Nah, that's fucking stupid.'

I sighed, "Listen, Listen, guys," as I said this Sasuke and Sakura turned to me, giving me their attention. "I'm sorry for my behaviour these past weeks-" I was interrupted by a snake, a huge one, that fucking ate me, ate me. I could sense my teammates engaging in battle. 'I have to get out of here.' And I did just that, pretty quickly, although I still smelled of the nake. I set off to look for Sasuke and Sakura, I found them fighting... Orochimaru? I had read about him, and descriptions in textbooks, so it must be him, 'the fuck is he doing in this neck of the woods?' Another giant snake 'this mother-' was getting ready to attack Sasuke, oh no he won't. My eyes went red, as I ran, (conceal and don't reveal my strength ya know?) and blocked to snakes' attack. Sasuke looked surprised, "You just gonna stand there? The almighty Uchiha, scared?" This seemed to get him, and he reacted. We continued the battle, hard, with my restrained power.

And in one moment to the next Orochimaru's neck.. stretched? Eww. He revealed his fangs and prepared to bite Sasuke. 'The hell? Orochimaru is known for developing forbidden jutsus, and also the famous curse... Jesus friking Christ on a bicycle.' As I realised his intentions I tried to protect Sasuke from the bite, but it was too late. He gasped as the pain and the forming of the curse mark began. Orochimaru retracted his head. "Well, seems my job here is done. Remember, when you feel the desire for power, come to me." With that said he merged into a tree. "Fucking weirdo," I grunted out. Sasuke fell to his knees in pain, I barely caught him. Sakura also looked worried, "Naruto! Wh-what's happening?" I responded, "curse mark." I sighed. "Let's find a place to rest Sakura-chan, we can't battle like this, I'll carry Sasuke."

That's how we ended up in this messed-up situation, let me explain. Sakura found a place to stay, under the roots of a tree. She treated Sasuke, while I set up some basic traps, we were vulnerable.
Then we were attacked, by an enemy team, Sakura was badly injured, so I was fighting alone, and shuriken grazed my shoulder, making blood ooze from the wound. At this point Sasuke woke up, when he saw what was happening he got mad, and the curse mark took over. He attacked the enemy out of rage. He had the arms of one of them, bent behind their back, he broke them. "Sasuke!" Screamed Sakura, horrified. 'Weak, he allowed himself to be taken over so easily.' I frowned, we had to stop him, Sakura already a step ahead of me. She walked up to Sasuke and managed to make him come back to his senses. I then checked for scrolls, they were too weak to fight back. 'Ha, just the one we needed.'

After that incident we came across Kabuto, who helped us get to the tower safely, even if I hated it, I gave him secret glares the entire time.

Third POV
Team seven arrived at the tower, they entered and after finding out what they had to do they threw the scrolls to the ground. Iruka sensei appeared and congratulated them on their completion of the exam. Since they barely finished on time, they headed directly to the huge room, where the rest of the surviving teams, the proctors of the exams, and the Hokage.
The Hokage gave a boring speech about the true reasons behind the chunin exams. Then It was announced, that since there were so many surviving teams there would be an elimination round. At this point, Kabuto forfeited, surprising team seven, this only made Naruto more suspicious. They went to the stands and waited for the matchups to begin.

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