Chapter 十三

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Note, after I finished writing the chapter: contains distressing themes of violence (just a paragraph) and sasunaru for you yaoi-loving hoes.

Naruto's POV

Sasuke stood before the Uzumaki Namikaze mansion, both eyebrows raised. He looked over at Naruto. "Is this someone else's house...?" He asked, suspicious of the blond. "Nope, all mine. Let's head in." I said with a grin, then led the dubious Sasuke into the mansion. "Katsu is at the academy, we have tho whole house to ourselves," Naruto said suggestively. Sasuke just scoffed, he looked around the house curiously. "Guess you weren't kidding when you told Tsunade-sama you had plenty of space." By now they were on the 3rd floor, 2 doors down from Katsu's room. "Well this is your room, but you can always stay with me if you want, the room is soundproofed," Naruto smirked and winked at Sasuke, who just glared back. "This room is just fine." Naruto left Sasuke to settle in, heading down to the kitchen to get a snack. Salami, cheese and crackers sound nice, he also got some tomato slices for Sasuke. Sasuke walked downstairs and ate, they chatted a bit, as much as is possible with a broody Uchiha.

Naruto's POV

I had Sasuke pinned against my bedroom wall, I ran my hands across his lower back and hips, memorising every dip and curve. I kissed him with ferocity, he kissed back. Sasuke's arms roamed my shoulders and occasionally tugged at my blond hair. I put my leg between him, he would have fallen if I hadn't been holding him by the waist. As we parted for air, I moved my lips down a flustered panting Sasuke's neck. I found his sweet spot and bit down, "Naruto." Sasuke hissed. I 'accidentally' moved my leg, he moaned, and I smirked against his neck. I moved upwards, catching his lips in a heated kiss, he started creating friction between his legs, I stopped him with a growl, holding his hips in place. I felt his hard-on against my thigh. Sasuke pulled away for air, his lustful gaze, looking into my ice blue eyes. I leaned near his heart, licked my lips, making sure my tongue grazed his ear, and I breathed out. Sasuke grunted. "Sasuke," I whispered in his ear, he squirmed in my grasp. I chuckled in his ear. I pulled away, and Sasuke slid down the wall checks ablaze. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I've got a mission to attend to." His eyes went wide, "don't you dare Naru-" but I was already gone, appearing in the Hokage's office, no evident signs of what happened in my bedroom, no boner either. Unlike Sasuke, I have great control over my body.

Tsunade sighed, "Told ya to stop appearing like that. Anyway your mission..."

Third POV

He ran, and ran, his heart racing, scared for his life. His lungs were ablaze, but he had to keep running, he was being chased by an unknown creature, it taunted him, and scared him. He tripped, spraining his ankle, he cried out in pain. Visions of him dying a horrific death flashed across his eyes.
Limbs being ripped off, slowly bleeding out
Death by cuts
His organs being pulled out
And so one. "Pick one." The voice of his attacker stated behind him. He still lay on his stomach, not facing the monster. "Pick a way to die." The voice sounded amused, but the man just sobbed, he knew he would die. "Maybe I should cut your genitals off, you are a paedophile, you would do better without it." Stated the monster. "Stop, I'm begging you." The man cried through his sobs. "Did you stop when the underaged, defenceless girls begged you to stop?" The man was flipped over, finally seeing the face of his attacker through tear-filled eyes. "I'm here to personally send you to hell motherfucker." That was the last thing the man heard before his throat was ripped out.
Naruto walked away, having taken the man's head, for evidence of the completed mission. He took out a handkerchief from a pocket in his pants and cleaned the splatters of the blood on his hands. He stopped walking and grinned widely, he put the hanker chief away and ran towards the village, leaving a few, visible drops of blood on his face. He arrived at the village gates, the gatekeepers looked at him weirdly, but Naruto walked by as if nothing. He leisurely walked towards the Hokage monument. As he entered the building, he received stares from some of the passing ninjas. He bumped into Shikamaru, Choji and Ino. "Hey, Naru..." I stopped her greeting as she spotted the blood on Naruto's face. Naruto raised an eyebrow, acting as if he didn't notice the blood. Choji looked at him with wide eyes, Shikamaru deep in thought. "You have blood on your face." Choji clarified. Naruto put a hand to his face, his hand brought back blood. "Oh, don't worry it's not mine." He said with an innocent smile, continuing on his way to Tsunade's office. Leaving 3 stunned, and slightly concerned shinobi behind.
Naruto headed home after briefing the mission details to a disgusted Tsunade. "Alright, that's enough details." End quote.

He arrived home, Katsu would be home in an hour or so, so he might as well clean up, as Naruto entered, he passed a brooding Sasuke in the kitchen. He was glaring at him for the earlier incident until he noticed the state he was in. "What type of missions are you getting up to?" He said, raising an eyebrow. "It's classified," Naruto smirked, heading to the bathroom on his floor.

Naruto exited the shower, a towel loosely around his waist, partly revealing his v-line, he held a towel drying his hair. As he walked into his room, he noticed a frozen Uchiha, whose eyes roamed every muscle on Naruto's body. Naruto leaned on a wall, Sasuke was still in a trance. "Like what you see?" Naruto asked, watching amused as Sasuke snapped out of his trance... he didn't have any words. "I can see your eye fucking me. I am about to take this towel off and change, you are free to stay and watch." Naruto smirked, got off the wall and walked over to his closet. He heard the door slam and a "Bastard." From Sasuke.

Easily flustered, how amusing.

Hope you enjoyed some sasunaru and slight...gore? Anyway, peace out

See ya later fuckers.

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