Chapter 十

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Naruto's POV

The next morning, as I walked through the town, I noticed everyone,(especially the ninjas) was tense, this secretly fed my satisfaction. I continued calmly walking through the village till I reached the Hokage tower. I barged into baa-chan's office without knocking as usual. Tsunade who sat at her desk, no one else in the office, glanced up at me as I made my entrance. "How many times do I have to tell you to knock." She gained a tick mark, I just grinned and scratched the back of my head. "Anyway, what do you need Naruto." I turned serious, catching Tsunade's full attention, she put down her pencil, put both her hands on the table, and raised an eyebrow at me. "Well... I want to make a deal, well not much of a deal but more of a... exchange. I want to have a battle between you and me only." She raised both her eyebrows now. "If I manage to beat you in under 6 minutes, by K.O or forfeit, I want a jonin rank. I'm the only one out of all rookie nine that is still a genin. In exchange, it will liberate you from a day worth of paperwork, which I know you hate, and I'll stop calling you an old woman." Halfway through my 'speech' Shikamaru, Kiba, Sakura and Kakashi sensei walked into the office. Everyone's eyes were on me, asking if I was crazy. Tsunade chuckled, looking amused.

"Ok, but only if you dodge." As she said this she teleported in front of me and threw a punch. My eyes, now red, saw the attack coming in slow-motion, with a 'deadass, cut the cameras' look on my face, I caught her fist instead of dodging. Her powerful punch sent shockwaves that shattered the windows of her office, and pushed everyone back a few feet, except Tsunade and me. I still had my left hand in my pocket. "I'll take that as a yes then. You can invite rookie nine and their senseis or whomever you wish. I think the place where the chunin exams took place will be a good option." As I finished I let go of her fist, which dropped limply to her side. Tsunade had an astonished look on her face, very few people survived, let alone, caught her almost full-power punches. The others looked just as shocked and speechless.
Tsunade smiled, "You certainly have gotten stronger Naruto, I'll concede, we shall meet at the stadium in two hours then." I smirked, "alright baa-chan, that sounds good, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave. See you in a bit." I turned on my heel and walked past everyone, then exited the building.

Well damn, I guess word spread quickly among the ninjas and a few civilians. "Dead last genin challenges Hokage to match in exchange for jonin rank" I guess everyone thought it was laughable, they came to watch the demon child get beaten to a pulp by the Hokage.

"I heard the match will only be 6 minutes long."

"The demon child challenged the Hokage? HA!"

"Poor genin doesn't know what he got himself into."

I could hear all the whispers with Kurama's enhanced hearing. It was finally time, I walked onto the battleground, and Tsunade did too. I looked at the crowd and saw all of rookie nine and their senseis together. I spotted the proctors of the chunin exams in the crowd among other people. We were told the match had started. We stood still for a moment, before I ran at her, a frontal attack, stupid. Just as I was about to reach her I vanished into thin air, immediately appearing behind her, trying to land a kick, she sensed me and blocked me last minute, by crossing her arms in a form of an 'X'. It was just a warm-up kick, so not that powerful, but enough to push her back a few feet. She seems to take me more seriously now. She flicked her finger towards me, sending a powerful gust of wind, I simply jumped high in the air and dodged. I disappeared again, reappearing over her head, Rasengan in hand, she dodged the attack. The resengan went into the ground and created a small crater. I smirked. Tsunade summoned her slug. She stood tall, towering over me. She threw multiple simultaneous attacks, all of which I dodged with acrobatic skill. 'I guess it's time to summon, Deatheater huh.' I placed my hand on the ground, for the summoning. Tsunade and the rest expected a toad, but instead, a black dragon emerged. His eyes glowed dark purple, he had black scales, you could see purple underneath his then. He had two twisted horns and intimidating claws. He roared and appeared flying skywards out of the summoning seal. I jumped on his back as we flew upwards.

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