Chapter 十ー

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Naruto's POV

"お兄さん!" (Onii-san!)

I froze, I stared into the violet eyes of a small girl, who had previously sat on Tsunade's lap but was now running towards me, as fast as her little legs could carry her. She crashed into my legs and hugged them hard. "Nii-san!" She yelled again and started crying. I stared, still shocked, I then directed my gaze towards Tsunade. She looked at me as if saying, 'go on pick her up.' I looked at her and then awkwardly picked up the crying child, at arm's length and stared at her, not knowing what to do. I wasn't a big fan of kids, small creatures who always cried and begged for attention. The child who referred to me as big brother, wore dirty clothing, a stained and ripped purple dress, and worn-out blue sandals. She made grabby hands at me, so I awkwardly, and not knowing what the fuck I was doing, brought her in for a hug. She hugged my neck tight and continued crying into my shoulder. I brought a hand to her curly red hair (I wrote and described her hair like that, and until now I just realised, that's my fucking hair lol, a bloody hassle to keep tamed btw, not like y'all asked.) I gently stroked her hair eventually she fell asleep in my arms, I could still hear her small sniffles, every so often.

"Care to explain?" I questioned my godmother. She smiled at the scene before her, Shizune too. "I present to you your mission." The first thing I thought was, 'oh fuck Nah.' Kurama started laughing. Tsunade continued, now more serious. The girl was found wandering the streets of Konoha last night. When we brought her in and asked her where her parents were, she told us her story. Before I start, take a seat. I complied and sat down, the girl still in my arms. "Before I tell, you I must tell you about your clan, the Uzumaki clan..." she went on about their history 'n shit I already knew. I noticed she didn't mention my Namikaze heritage. I nodded for her to move on. "So, Katsumi said: she lived with her mother, and Uzumaki, one of the last surviving, she didn't have a dad. They travelled a lot, from place to place, one day they were attacked, she witnessed her mother die, her last words were. 'Find Naruto Uzumaki, he is in the leaf village, your closest relative. I love you' Katsumi is only 9 and a half years old." Tsunade said, she exhaled and continued. "So the poor defenceless girl made it her mission to travel here to Konoha, to find you. And now, you must take her in as your sister, you will live with her. Of course, your apartment in the red light district, given to you by Hiruzen, is not suitable for her upbringing. Therefore I shall give you access to your parent's mansion. I was going to reveal your heritage when you turned 18, but, push came to shove and here we are."

I let it all sink in. 'How the fuck am I going to live with a child?' Tsunade explained my full heritage to me, my father, and who he was. Everything I already knew, Kurama told me. She had finally finished her explanation, I would inherit everything my parents left me, the money, the mansion, and the name. I smiled at her and thanked her. "It is still early morning, take her back to get settled in, and go shopping for her necessities. She handed me over money. I looked at her, asking for an explanation. "Since I put you on the mission, I will pay for her stuff, I'll be giving you money monthly to cover the cost until you turn 18." I nodded, "Thanks Baa-Chan" I stood up, carefully holding Katsumi. "I'll send an ANBU to escort you to your mansion." I turned to her as I left. "No need Tsunade, I've already moved in years ago." I shunshined to the mansion.

I spilt some blood, the house appeared, I then entered the gates, engraved were a 'U' and an 'N' standing for Uzumaki Namikaze. I walked through them and entered the mansion. It was huge, and not gonna lie, it could get lonely sometimes. The property included: 5 bedrooms, one of which was a master bedroom, 2 rooms for family, and two guest rooms. The house also had a huge kitchen, and big windows along with one of the walls, to get that natural lighting. At the back of the house, a private hot springs. There was also a separate dining room, a table for 18 people, and a chandelier above the centre of the table. The living room was also big. It had a lot of furniture, couches, and chairs, all facing a fireplace. A carpet and table between all the furniture. There was also an underground training room, equipped with everything a training ninja could need. And 6 bathrooms, one in each of the rooms and one in the hallway leading to the living room and kitchen. There was also a game room connected to the living room. On the outside, the house was made of smooth river rock, the inside, was mostly redwood. It was also a pretty open house. Many windows aligned the walls, giving a perfect view of the surrounding forest. The house had 4 levels, the 1st, underground, all dedicated to the training area. The 2nd floor, the first above-ground, had the kitchen, living room, 1 bathroom and the game room. On the third floor, were 4 bedrooms, and 4 bathrooms, one for each room. And the fourth and last floor consisted of the master bedroom, surrounded by a porch, on one part of the porch, there was an infinity pool, and the water spilt over the entrance of the house. The flowing water around the main door was stopped by an invisible force, water fell surrounding the frame of the door.

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