chapter 18

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n, sweetheart wake up and get ready." Mom said waking me up.

"Five more minutes." I whined.

"Baby, you need to wake up or else we're late for the airport." Mom said.

I sat up quickly, today is the day we're coming back to Miami, actually we're just visiting. That's what we planned for our break from school.

"Im so excited, mommy." I said in baby voice. She chuckled.

"Get ready then, we don't want to miss the plane aren't we?" She ask and kiss my forehead.

"Of course not mom, I'm really excited, I missed a lot of people in there so much." I said and walk to the bathroom.

It's been two months after the encounter with Ms. Juaregui, after that I never talk to her, she tried a lot of times but I ignored her.
The girls met my parents already, they come over after we planned to review for the exam, luckily my parents are home. I got a great score tho, yay!


Mom locked the door of the house while  we carry our luggage.

"Finally, I'll get to see mom." Mom said. I chuckled at her and kiss her in the cheek.

"Let's go then." Dad said.

We put our stuffs in and enter the car. I put my seatbelt on and look over the window.

My eyes met the house of my teacher. She's standing right in front of her door staring at me like she's wanted to kill me.

I look away avoiding her dangerous eyes as the car starts to move.


[ Skip the flight ]

We got out of the car and met by my abuela.

"Oh my god, come here my dear." She said excitedly. I come to her and give her a hug.

"I miss you abuela." I said.

"I miss you too, Mija." She said and kiss my forehead.

"Madre, Te extraño tanto." Mom said in her spanish accent.

"Yo también te extraño, querida." Abuela said and hug my mom.

"Hi, mom, how are you?" Father said.

"Im good, thank you." Abuela said as they hugged each other.

"Let's go inside, I prepared our dinner." Abuela said.

"Yeah, let's go, I'm hungry." I said.

"I know my dear, you're always hungry." She said, I laugh at her and we walk inside.


"Abuelita, your cook is so good." I said as we finished eating.

"I know my dear." She said.

"Go to your room and fix your thing's, I'll do the dishes." She said.

"Gracias, abuela, te amo." I said and kiss her cheek.

"yo también te amo tanto querida." She said.

I walk to my room and start fixing my stuffs.

My grandma is alone in here since we moved. Grandfather died 5 years ago because of heart attack. My cousins are living here in Miami but they're in the different house away from our house, but they still visit our grandma so that she won't feel so lonely.

"Ugh, I'm finally done." I said and throw myself to my bed.

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