chapter 14

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Third one's POV

"See you again soon, hermosa." Mark said as he carry their luggage.

"Yeah, I'll fulfill my promise." Y/n said.

"We'll come with her actually." Y/ns mother said.

"Mom will be happy if she sees you, Tia." Althea say and hug her Tia.

"I missed them so much." Her mom said say.

"You should go or you'll be late at your flight, take care." Her mom  said.

The two hug them and put their luggage at the car as they got in. They waved at each other after they drove away.

After that y/n and her mother go back to their house.


Y/n's POV

"I already missed them." I say as I lay my body in the couch.

Mom only hummed as she cook our lunch. It's weekend as you can see I'm not in the school.

"Hun, the lunch is ready!" Mom yelled as she call out dad. My dad is not at work today, he take a day off because he need some rest. I'm  glad he did beacause he really deserve to take a rest.

We are now eating lunch. As my dad and mom talk about a lot of things, sometimes they ask me some like about school: how's it going, when am I getting a girlfriend or boyfriend.

"I don't know dad." I answer as he ask me about girlfriends/boyfriends.

"Well, you know? You should have one, your getting old." Dad said.

"Really dad? I'm  only 19." I said unbelievably, they both giggle.

"Time flies fast, sweetheart." Mom said.
I rolled my eyes as I continue eating.

"We'll see if I could have one." I said quietly. They both nooded telling me they heard it.

We finished lunch, and I'm now washing dishes. Yeah you heard me right 'I'm washing the dishes'. I saw mom a little tired and I don't like seeing her like that so I thought why not wash dishes it's easy anyways.

As I'm placing the plates at the cabinet, something popped out my mind. I remember what dad said about girlfriends...and boyfriends.


What the heck. No way she's my teacher and I ended up what we had together.

"But you still like her? Little voice in my head ask.

"Do I still like her?" I ask my self.

"Answer your self dummy." Little voice said and giggle.

"I don't know."  I shrugged to my self.

"Are you okay, mija?"

I jump out to where I'm standing and look at my dad.

"Oh my God, dad! My heart literally drop out of my chest." I said holding my chest.

"I didn't mean to scare you, mija. Who are you talking to?" He ask.

"Oh..for the first question, my answer is 'yeah I'm fine', and for the second one is...uhh..just talking to my thoughts, you know?" I said. He chuckled and put her hand in my arm as he slowly hugged me.

"I missed mi princesa." He said.

"I missed you too, daddy." I said, he pull away and kissed my head.

"Sorry, I've been busy these days and I haven't had a great time with you." He say with a frown.

"It's fine dad." I said. He smile sweetly and pinch my cheek like a child.

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