chapter 24

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Lauren's Pov

"I think they're dating now." The boy on the phone said.

"Hmm." I hum. "Keep spying on them 'til I tell you the next move."

"Alright Ma'am."

I hired this boy from miami to spy on Y/n and this girl. That broke my heart, knowing she's happy with somebody else. She didn't give me chance to prove my love for her.

I know it's too risky but I'm willing to risk and try because I love her, hell I love her so much.

Y/n's POV

"Ready to go, sweetheart?" My mom ask.


I carry my luggage and went outside.

"I'll miss you so much, my dear." Abuelita said. I hug her and kiss her in the cheek.

"I'll miss you too, abuelita." I said. "Los quiero mucho."

We put our luggage inside the car and ready to go. I look at Camila and she ran to me for a hug.

"I will miss you so so so much. Don't forget to call me when you arrive okay?." Camila said.

"I will miss you to cammie, don't worry I won't forget to call you." I kissed her and went inside the car.
And drive to the airport.

[Skip the car and plane ride]

We are now driving back to our house here in New York. I patiently wait 'til we arrive at our house 'cause I really want to lay on my bed and relax. Ugh school again tomorrow.

"We're here." Dad said.

We hop out of the car and took are luggage and went to our house.

I quickly ran to my room and lay in my bed. Then I remember Camila. I took my phone from my pocket and dial her number.


"Hi babe, we arrived home that's why I called."

"I miss you already." She whine

"I miss you too."

"You should rest now, you have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, Good night."

"Goodnight baby." And hung up the phone.

I sigh and put my phone at the table beside my bed.

Is this a good try? It doesn't feel right, I don't understand this feeling.

I shook those thoughts off and lay on my bed 'til I fall asleep.

"Y/n sweetheart, wake up now, dinner is ready." My mom said shaking my body.

"Alright, mom." I said and get up.

We went downstairs and sit at the table and start eating.

"Do you think you and Camila will work out even if you're long distance?" Dad ask. It caught my attention and start to think.

"I don't know, dad." I said.

"You should be sure of some things mija, sometimes things are not worth it to give a try. But don't worry we support you." Dad said sincerely while looking at me. I nod my head.

"Thanks dad." And continue eating

After we eat I head upstairs to my room and shower. I change to my hoodie and just wear a panty and lay on my bed to sleep.

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