Chapter 2: Alma Peregrine Prepares

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Alma had been having a normal day in the loop when she received a message from Mrs Owl, this alone made her concerned but when she read it she was frightened for her fellow ymbryne.


I am writing this in great haste. To not sugar-coat this, our loop is collapsing and we cannot do anything to stop it. I am aware that you have signed up to take in one of the older residents of this house. She is currently packing her things as she is partially nocturnal and has only just woken.

I am sending this as a warning that she will be arriving around 5:10, please make sure that she is safe and loved.

Minerva Owl

Alma placed down the letter on the kitchen counter and looked at it for a few minutes until she heard a voice from behind her. "is something wrong, Miss Peregrine?" Emma was cautious as she approached the currently thinking ymbryne. "What was the letter about?" Alma thought before answering the girl.

"Emma I will need your help in preparing." Emma looked at her. "Preparing for what?" "Emma, prepare for a new arrival." Emma looked surprised before nodding and going to prepare the spare room next to Alma's.

She came back down to find Alma preparing some clothes in the dining room. "What are these for?" Alama looked up and tried to smile. She knew that she would need to explain to the young girl. "This new arrival is from a collapsing loop in France, her loop is set in 1867. I would like her to look like she belongs here instead of looking like an outlier."

"Wow, I've never met someone from a time loop that's that old before!" "That is because people from older loops tend to stay there because of the time difference, they might not know anything about the time that they are going into." "So, how will this person know?" Alma finished folding clothes and stepped closer to Emma. "We have been writing back and forth for almost four months now, she has quite a bit of knowledge of this time period."

Emma frowned a little bit.

"Why are you pulling that face?" "You had a pen pal for four months and you didn't tell me!" Alma was surprised at the girl's lack of manners but smiled anyway. "Firstly, young ladies do not shout in the house." Emma looked down at the ground bashful. "Secondly, we have sent letters back and forth to let the other know what will be happening should she need to stay here." "couldn't you have just told everything in one letter?"

Now it was Alma's turn to be bashful.

"Well, yes, but that would be quite a long letter and it was easier this way as she could ask questions." Emma thought for a moment before smirking slightly. "What are you thinking about?" Emma looked to the side for a moment. "is that why you would spend an afternoon every week in the kitchen?" Alma quickly grew suspicious. "Yes, why?" "it's just that I noticed you smiling every time you did, and I noticed how happy you were coming out after a swell."

Alma was silent for a few moments. "Well, she is nice to talk to." Emma let out a quiet laugh but stopped when she saw Alma's exasperated look directed toward her. Emma cleared her throat, "nice to talk to?" "Yes, I am sure I will appreciate her company once she arrives." Emma let out another laugh but Alma ignored it this time. "Are you going to do your chores? Or are you going to just stand there and torment me?" Emma knew it wasn't a question and walked out the room.

Alma sighed before carrying the clothes into the spare room, she placed them on the bed and walked out of the room. Not before making sure the bed was neatly made, she wanted to make a good impression after all.

She walked down the stairs to find an excited Olive and an annoyed Enoch, Emma was hidden behind them. Alma raised an eyebrow before Enoch spoke. "Are we really having a new arrival?" He seemed both disinterested and interested at the same time. Alma looked at Emma who gave a quite laugh.

"I had to tell them! They would have found out anyway." Alma smiled slightly. "I suppose so. Yes, we are having a new arrival. Her name is Coraline Dashwood." Olive piped up. "Why are we having a new arrival?" Almas look sadden a little before answering. "Her loop in France has collapsed." Enoch seemed concerned for a moment.

"Is she alright?" Alma tried to reassure him. "Yes, she is on her way here now and will be arriving approximately twenty minutes before dinner." He let out a sound before Olive spoke again. "How old is she?" Alma smiled. "She is thirty-one." The other three stood there surprised. "She's as old as you, wow." Alma raised an eyebrow and Olive moved back slightly.

"What kind of responsibilities will she have?" "She will have similar responsibilities to me, she will be a sort of secondary caregiver if you will." Emma seemed mostly satisfied. "Now children, I would like you to help start preparing dinner. I will go and collect our guest." She was met with a chorus of "yes, Miss Peregrine."

Alma's walk down to the beach was filled with her trying to make sure her hair, makeup and outfit was perfect. First impressions matter. As she waited, she watched the cave intently for any sign of life and she checked her watch as she heard noises from the cave. Three minutes early.

She watched as a rather pretty woman steeped out from the cave. She noticed how outdated her clothes were. A light grey dress, a deep teal long sleeve shirt under that, the same deep teal coloured knee high socks and dark grey flat shoes. This outfit could be passable if not for the corset around her lower torso. Alma tried not to blush as she realised that the back tied corset showed off the woman's curves extremely well.

She looked away to compose herself before looking back at woman. She briefly mentioned her timing before offering her arm to woman and leading her towards her home.

Their home. 

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