Chapter 12: A Special Gift For Claire

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Caroline gently walked down the stairs to the ground floor and spotted Alma leaving the living room while humming a soft tune. Caroline lent against the wall and watched her precious bird walk around the main entrance placing items back in the places they're supposed to be. Caroline let a small smile and light brush creep onto her face.

It was at this moment that Alma turned around.

"My word Caroline! A little warning next time wouldn't hurt." Caroline let out a light chuckle and Alma smiled. "I was wondering if there was anything else I can do to help prepare." Alma frowned and Caroline knew what the answer would be. "Honestly dear, you have done enough for today. You deserve a rest to." Caroline shared Alma's frown.

"What?" "I can only rest well while sleeping with you." Caroline's cheeks warm up and Alma smirks slightly. "That didn't come out right." Alma let out a few quiet chuckles. "I'd say so too my dear, what am I going to do with you?" Caroline smiled. "I would say sleep with me but it really doesn't sound right." "No, but I will sit with you until you calm down enough to relax, if that's what you want of course." "I would love that, thank you."

Alma waited until while Caroline walked up next to her to hold her hand. They walked back into the living room. Alma sat down and Caroline sat next to her. Alma smiled when Caroline levitated a book toward herself and leant her head on Alma's chest, her height could come in handy sometimes.

"Dear, you're resting on my beasts." "I'm too short to reach your shoulder." Alma smiled at Caroline. "Are you flirting with me?" Caroline grinned at Alma. "wouldn't dream of it." Alma rolled her eyes before moving their bodies so they were lead down. Caroline took her boots off before leaving her head back on Alma's chest.

Alma sighed before wrapping her arms around Caroline. "If I didn't know better, I'd think that you're flirting with me, Alma." Alma kissed Caroline's forehead. "wouldn't dream of it, my dear." Caroline moved her head a little closer and Alma's breath caught a little. The things this woman was doing to her.

"Relaxed now dear?" "Yes, very." "Then my job is done." Alma went to move but found that she couldn't. "don't you dare." "What?" "This is the first time I've actually felt relaxed today." "With the children..." "I was scared of hurting them." "Why?" "Well..."

"Miss Peregrine!" The two women's heads snapped toward the door as Fiona came running in. "I'm so sorry for interrupting!" Alma sat the two of them up, much to Caroline's distaste.

"it's fine dear, isn't it Caroline?" Caroline let out a quiet chuckle before smiling at the girl. "it's fine, what do you need?" "Claire is crying." Caroline's instincts kicked in and she was at full attention, this didn't go unnoticed by Alma. "Why?" "Her dolls head fell off." Caroline calmed down a little. "Can it be repaired?" Alma answered Caroline this time. "No, not with the material it's made from."

Caroline thought for a few moments before having an idea.

"Where is Claire?" "Outside." "Bring her in here and sit her on the sofa, please." "of course, Miss Caroline!" Fiona left shortly after. Alma turned to her as Caroline stood. "What are you planning?" "Wait and see." Caroline left the living room with a smile.

She flew up to her room with quite a bit of speed as she didn't want to keep Claire waiting. Once in her room she went for her suitcase and dug through it until she found the doll. Her doll, she hoped Claire would like it.

She clung to the doll as she floated back down to the ground floor. She opened the door to find Claire sat with silent tears flowing from her eyes while some of the children tried to comfort. Everyone noticed Caroline once she was stood in front of Claire with her arms behind her back.

"I... Have something for... You." Claire looked up at Caroline. "What. Is. It?" her words were broken up by quiet sobs. "I've heard you like dolls." "Yeah..." "well... I have a surprise for you." "Surprise?" "Yes, but I need you to trust me. Now, hold out your hands and close your eyes." Claire followed the instructions and Caroline gently placed the item in her hands.

"Now, open them." Claire opened her eyes and let an enormous squeal. "Wow! Thank you! She so adorable!" "Now, I want you to take care of her. Can you do that for me?" Claire nodded eagerly. "Absolutely! Does she have a name." Caroline let a sad smile cross her face before answering. "Lillian." "that's such a pretty name!" "Thank you, now I think she would enjoy some of your lovely tea, don't you think so?" "Yes!"

Claire ran off dragging Bronwyn with her. Alma chuckled as she watched the rest leave while holding their ears. "That was a kind gesture, if you don't mind me asking, why did you have a doll named Lillian anyway?" Caroline turned toward Alma with that same sad smile that she had given Claire earlier.

"a story for another day, now, what are we having for dinner?" 

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