Chapter 4: A Late Night Conversation

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Everyone stood up, Alma spoke up again before they left. "Not you Caroline." Caroline waited while the children left. "What did I do?" Alma smiled. "Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you without the children overhearing us." "Okay?" Alma stepped toward her.

"I knew the older children would tease me if I said this to you in front of them. But I think you look really pretty." Caroline was surprised but shook it off to smile. "Um, thank you? I'm not really used to getting compliments." Alma gave her a sheepish smile. "Really?" "Yeah, if it helps, you're quite beautiful yourself." Alma blushed. "Thank you, would you mind helping with the dishes?"

Caroline let out a laugh before nodding. "No, I don't mind." They silently collected the dishes before Alma led Caroline to the kitchen. "Just place them in the sink." Caroline did so and Alama led her to the children who were waiting for them so they could start movie night.

"What took you two so long?" Alma froze and Caroline giggled. "Nothing, right Alma?" "Yes, nothing." Alma then turned off the lights and Horace sat down to start the movie.

The first image was him trying on suits, Caroline wasn't surprised at this as Alma had told her quite a few things about the children over her letters. Then the image switched to the house and just Alma resetting the loop, strange. The next image was of everyone, including Caroline, stood in the garden with a boy with a camera in front of them. Finally, the image switched to Alma and Caroline and their most recent conversation.

The children watched with smiles on their faces, especially the older ones. Caroline had a small smile and Alma was horrified. She would definitely be teased about this. She had always been teased when someone would visit the loop as Alma had a tendency to have a crush on a woman quite quickly.

The movie ended and Alma cleared her throat before speaking.

"Everyone outside for reset." Caroline let out a laugh and Alma looked at her with a look of warning. "Yes, come on everyone before the angry bird lady gets you." Alma narrowed her eyes at Caroline as some of the children started to laugh.

Alma led them all outside and passed everyone a gas mask. Caroline put hers on when everyone else put there's on without a word. Alma went to put the music to play and Caroline smiled. Alma then stepped back and grabbed Caroline's hand in hers. Caroline watched as the planes went passed, then as the plane dropped the bomb, she unconsciously held Alma's hand with a death grip.

Alma looked at her briefly before carrying on, she didn't make as much of a show it as she normally would when having a guest over. She was relatively quick with it as she stroked the back of the frightened girl's hand with her thumb.

Once she was done everyone went to go inside and get ready for bed. Caroline slowly moved her hand away and removed her gas mask. Alma looked at her with concern as Caroline tried to stop herself from shaking.

"Are you alright?" "Yeah, it was the loud noise. I can't stand sudden or loud noises." "Why?" "They frighten me, a lot." Alma grew a little concerned. "let's get you inside." "Good idea."

They walked silently with Alma's hand rested lightly on Caroline's lower back. Once they entered the door, they saw Emma looking at them concerned.

"Is she okay?" "She will alright Emma, it is bed time for you to." Emma nodded and walked up the stairs. Alma turned toward the shaking girl. "let's get you sat down." Caroline gave Alma a nodding motion. "Okay..." Alma nodded as well and led the girl into the sitting room. She sat her down on the sofa and sat next to her, slowly rubbing circles into her back. Until Caroline broke the silence.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Alma was taken aback by the question. "You are a member of this household; it is my job to take care of you." "I'm in my thirties, you don't have to take care of me." Alma frowned. "I'm aware, but I would not like you going through this by yourself." Caroline looked at her with surprise and then smiled at Alma.

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