Chapter 5: A Traumatic Dream

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Caroline slowly opened her eyes, she was now led down but she didn't mind, it was comfier for her anyway. Then she felt something move and that's when she realised, she wasn't being held by Alma on the sofa. She opened her eyes fully and looked around. She was still being held by Alma just on a bed.

She looked around the room to the best of her ability. She wasn't in her room and going by the fact that the room smelt of smoke and vanilla, she was in Alma's room. She smiled to herself and moved in closer to Alma.

"someone's making herself comfortable." Caroline opened her eyes wide and Alma laughed slightly. "I did try and put you in your bed." Caroline sighed. "Let me guess; I was practically weightless when you picked me up then you tried to place me in my bed but I started levitating. Then I guess that I held onto you with enough force that would have ripped your clothes if you tried to move me away. Then I guess that lead to me being here."

Alma was slightly amused. "Did this happen with Minerva as well?" Caroline blushed. "More times than I'm willing to admit, though it was almost always in the morning and she could free herself as I was normally exhausted so my grip was typically quite weak." Alma hummed and moved slightly. "You should probably go." "I should..." Caroline moved closer and wrapped her arms around Alma. "But I don't want to." Alma was hesitant before wrapping her arms around Caroline. Caroline smiled. "Goodnight, Caroline." "Night, Alma."

It was then that Alma realised something about Caroline, she wasn't from 1867. She had probably lived in her old loop since around 1920-1930. She could tell by the clothing choices she made and by the way she spoke. Her mannerisms were very similar to her own, the thing that gave it away was how easily she adapted to the new loop. Someone from 77 years ago would have at least some difficulties adjusting.

This didn't change much, but it would mean that Alma wouldn't have to try and catch her up on so much. Alma was a little annoyed, she could have told her.

Then she thought, Caroline was around the same age her then. Since Alma was a student under the teaching of Minera Owl, shouldn't they of met before? Alma thought back to her time at the school, she thought and thought but she couldn't remember anything about Caroline. That was rather strange.

She looked down at the sleeping girl, the poor thing. She probably had so much trauma from the way she heard her fellow ymbryne talk about her, Minerva's reputation had suffered greatly due to her keeping Caroline. They always talked about some incident but when Alma asked about it, they would change the subject completely.

She always found that strange as well.

She could always ask Minerva, but as Caroline said earlier, she may not have even survived as she was focused on saving everyone else before saving herself. That woman was an ymbryne through and through.

She decided to leave these thoughts for the morning and pulled the blanket further around the two of them, it had moved due to Caroline and Alma moving quite a bit a few moments earlier. She tucked the other girl and closed her eyes and fell into a rather deep sleep.

Alma opened her eyes in a house she knew all too well, Minerva's old home. She looked around in confusion. This didn't feel like her dream, she realised she was still led down on a bed. She looked around to find Caroline just waking up. She went to go and tap her when her hand went right through her. Great, she couldn't interact with her.

She then heard a lot of movement and shouting. Caroline was now wide awake and started gathering clothes, Alma knew what was about to happen and looked away. She looked up when she felt a weight on the bed, she was putting on her socks and shoes. She left to go into the bathroom, once she returned, she opened the curtains but as soon as she turned around Minera was at her door.

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