Chapter 20: A Sudden Spark

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Caroline turned towards Enoch's disapproving stare. "something wrong, Enoch?" "You. Miss Peregrine. Together." "is there something wrong with that?" "yes!" Caroline looked at Enoch with shock. "excuse me..."

Enoch realised his mistake as they started walking. "no, you misunderstood. It's because my previous ymbryne did the same thing as Miss Peregrine and was killed for it." Caroline rested a hand on Enoch's shoulder and then made a mental note to herself.

"Ms Lovebird, correct?" Enoch looked at Caroline with utter shock. "how did you...?" Caroline let out a laugh as they stated coming up to the beach. "you cared for her very much, I can feel it." "your peculiarity..." Caroline let out a hum as their feet began to touch the sand.

"right, so how do you and Alma usually do this?" "she usually goes through in bird form to check if the coast is clear. How are we going to do that?" Caroline met Enoch's uncertainty with a grin before waving her hand infront of her face and disappearing.

"Miss Caroline?" Caroline reappeared a few moments later. "how did you do that?" "I can trick people's minds into thinking I'm not there, it only works for a minute, sometimes two, it's my weakest ability as I can only trick up to five people at a time." Enoch smirked before bowing slightly and gesturing for Caroline to lead the way.

Once she entered the tunnel she activated her peculiarity and left, only one person. Regular eyes and was walking a dog.

Once back through she gestures for Enoch to follow her and he does with a roll of his eyes. Caroline walked through and Enoch followed.

"so, where to?" Enoch pulled the bag off his shoulder and handed it to Caroline, she accepted it with a little confusion. "butcher, he's one of the only ones on the island that doesn't know what happened in 1940." "why am I carrying your bag?" He fixed her with a blank stare. "because i don't want to carry it." "touché."

As they took the quick walk to the butcher Caroline took in her surroundings.

"wow, things have changed. Then again, the last time I was here was 2004." Enoch rolled his eyes before entering the butchers while dragging Caroline by her arm.

"why hello there, Mr O'connor." "Hi Will, twelve sheep's hearts please." "coming right up." While Will went to the back of his shop Caroline moved up next to Enoch. "he seems nice." "yeah, he does his job and enjoys it." Caroline laughed slightly.

As Will came out of the freezer he eyed up Caroline. "I haven't seen you around before. What will you have lovely lady?" Caroline let out a nervous laugh. "I am here with my nephew. Just came along for the ride." He raised an eyebrow.

"Didn't know you had a French aunt." "distant family, now can I have the hearts?" A quick nudge to Enoch's side. "please." "of course, if I can have a date with your aunt." Caroline stepped back slightly which caught Enoch's attention. "sorry, I swing the other way and I'm taken." "damn, oh well, you win some you loose some. Enjoy the rest of your day." a nervous laugh. "you too."

Once they left the butcher Enoch turned to Caroline with nothing but concern.

"miss Caroline, are you alright?" the hearts were placed in the bag. "I feel like I want to throw up... Other than that I'm right as rain." Enoch smirked before practically dragging her back the beach.

"come on, Miss Peregrine is going to kill us if we're late." "not a bad way to go..." "ew. Why?" Caroline laughed before she pushed Enoch into the cave and then followed him through into 1940.

As they crossed into the past Caroline could feel something. Someone. Ah, of course, who else would it be? Enoch left and Caroline hung back for a few moments before walking slowly out of the cave. Once she was on the other side she was met with her girlfriend waiting with open arms.

"Caroline, how was it?" "different." a long hug and stretch of silence. "so, I spoke to Minerva." They pulled apart from each other. "and?" "nothing, she doesn't remember either, only that we both did something. You erased everyone's memories by accident." Caroline's face fell and Alma held it between her hands.

"don't worry dear, we'll figure it out. Now, the children wanted to go to the beach today. What do you say?" "the beach? With my body temperature?" "I didn't think about that..." Caroline let out a laugh before leaning up and giving Alma a quick kiss.

"I would love to, my precious bird." Alma smiled before wrapping her hand around Caroline's waist and leading her back to the house.

Once they entered Alma lead them up to Caroline's room. As soon as the door closed Alma pulled Caroline onto the bed with her and pulled her flush against her chest. Caroline let out a quiet yelp to which Alma laugh softly and looked at Caroline with the smile that never failed to make her melt.

"why did you do that?" "what? Do you not want cuddles?" Caroline snuggle din closer and Alma moved further back onto the bed. "Hey, Alma?" "yes dearest?" Caroline felt her cheeks flush before lifting her head up.

"how bad do you think the thing we did was?" Alma sighed. "well obviously, it was  bad if you had to erases people's memories." Caroline tried to move away before Alma refused to let her go. "let me go, please." "no." "Alma." "Caroline." "please." "no." "Alma please, if you don't I might hurt you." "I don't care."

Caroline let out a small whimper and Alma reluctantly started to let her go. Not before Caroline's hand made contact with her chest and what could only be described as a shock rippled through her body.

"Alma! Alma are you alright?"

My Precious Bird (Alma Peregrine X OC) Where stories live. Discover now