Chapter 3: A Meeting With The Children

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The walk was peaceful as they both chose to be silent and enjoy the nature around them.

As the walk continued Caroline started to become nervous as she knew she would need to make a good impression on the children. She then felt a hand grasp hers and froze up completely, Alma went to move away but Caroline held on with a death grip.

Alma was now concerned. "Are you alright, my dear?" Caroline took a moment to compose herself before answering. "Not really, I'm nervous." "My dear, whatever do you have to be nervous about?" "Meeting everyone, the children in my old loop were terrified of me." Alma was not as surprised as she sounded. "Really?" "Yeah, my peculiarity." "Why would they be scared of that?"

Caroline could see the house in the distance. "don't worry about it." Alma gave her a look. "Dear?" "Yes?" "You can let go now." Caroline retracted her hand with high speed. "Sorry." "it's fine." Caroline smiled before looking at the house right in front of her.

"The children will love you, come on inside." Caroline looked uncertain before following the ymbryne. "If, you're sure." Alma smiled at her before she opened the door and walked through only to find the children already sat at the dining table.

Alma told Caroline to place down her suitcase and bag near the stairs while she went to talk to the children. After placing down her bag Caroline sat in the second stair up and waited.

Once she heard Alma calling for her, she entered the room. The children looked at her with wonder for a few moments until she was bombarded with questions.

"How old are you?" "Are you an ymbryne like Miss Peregrine?" "Are you here to stay forever with us?" "Why are you here?" "How did you get here?" "what's your name?" "Where are you from?"

Miss Peregrine gave them all a look.

"Right, one question at a time please. She has just been on a long journey to get here, give her some space please." "Oh, it's fine. I'm happy to answer the questions." Alma gave her a concerned look that told Caroline to go and rest but she ignored it.

"Right. I'm thirty-one, I am not an ymbryne, I am here to stay for as long as you are willing to have me, I am here because I don't have a loop anymore and Miss Peregrine was nice enough to let me stay, I got here by teleportation then by train and then by boat, my name is Caroline Dashwood and I am from a small town in France."

Caroline was out of breath by the end while most of the children were impressed. "Any more questions?" A little girl wearing pink, Caroline guessed that this was Claire, piped up. "Are you having dinner with us?" Caroline let out a quiet laugh. "I hope so, I haven't eaten anything today."

Alma looked at her with break neck speed.

"I woke up when the loop collapsed, didn't have time to eat." Alma thought for a moment. "Emma, please take Caroline upstairs for her to place her bags and get changed for dinner. Caroline there are clothes ready on the bed for you." both of the girls nodded and walked out of the room.

Caroline walled behind Emma with her bag and suitcase. Emma was giving Caroline a tour of the upstairs, quickly as to not keep the others waiting for dinner. Once Caroline was shown where her room was, she placed her bags inside and looked around.

Emma left to give her some privacy to change. Caroline looked through the clothes and selected an outfit she quite liked, she could tell how much the fashion had changed from her time loop.

She selected a dark grey, three-quarter sleeve, just above knee length dress and a black belt with a golden circular buckle to go around her middle. She tied a small ponytail with the side pieces of her hair, leaving the rest down. She selected a pair of knee-high black boots but kept on her deep teal socks.

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