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I still remember those exact words said by Tay that day and I do follow it. I never cried, never used to show my weak side and worked wholeheartedly but then there was one thing I didn't do and that is love again. It was impossible to me and I know he too know it then why the hell does he said that to me?!

I was sitting in my cabin when someone knocked my door.

"Come in"

The perfect businessman figure with the best gentleman quality, his genes where the one which was passed on to my love entered the cabin.


I rose up from my seat and gave a hug to him. Even though after so long they still treat me like their son in law or more like son. I still remember whenever I say that aren't they tired of me and they always say that even if they lost their son but God has given another one in that place.

I could still see the concern in his eyes. I know it very well what would he be asking to me but showing no signs of it I proceeded to ask him.

"What's the matter Dad?"

"I know you know"

I gave a slight smile to him and his concerned face grew more deeper.

"Dad, you know very well. It's of no use"

"That's what I'm saying! You only said na that Tay said to you to move on from him"

"Dad not to move on but to find another partner!"

I was frustrated, move on and to find another one has 2 different meanings. Move on means to forget about the past one but what Tay said was to find another but still not to forget him.

"New.. we all are worried about you. All the time you just drawn yourself into work, even your Mom and Dad are worried. New it's high time you understand the situation"

"That's what I'm saying Dad, understand the situation"

He gave a sigh as of being defeated in the so long debate. After that incident I was hospitalized for 1 month for depression and what not, doctor suggested me to take medicines and forget about all the things. But it was not easy for me but then the words of Tay always ring in my ears

"Promise me... you won't go back to the way you were ruining everything you gained in your life."

I'm fulfilling that promise Tay, earlier I use to see him when I was down or something bad happened with me or work was not going the way it should be or I simply wanted to see him. I knew it very well that these are just my hallucinations but again if for small time they make me happy then I'm happy to it.

I looked at the watch, time pass really fast but when Tay use to there it feels like 1 min was like 1 hour and I really cherished those moments. I went out of my cabin to see everyone has already left and it was just me, I took my stuff and went towards my car.

Even though I little cold hearted but I use to look after the matter truly and use to see that no one gets hurt deeply with my work. Being in the position of Tay it was difficult and I was never like him that is like a jolly nature of a person. He use to take his work as a game and has a fun in it but not for me, of course we were of different perspective and that's why we got attracted towards each other.


"Mae~" (mother)

I went near and hugged her, the only place where I can feel peace again and my whole body feels like as if it has return to original way. Even after Tay left me I didn't change for my parents like to the whole world, I'm still that whinny child to them. I did made them worried a lot but they said that they truly understands me and never forced me on any decisions. It wasn't like Tay's parents force me it just that they feel that just because of their child I'm stopping my life. But I didn't.

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