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Midas' POV

I bolted for the edge of the smoke stack. I had just stolen the relic that I needed for my device. Shadow had stolen it and hidden it in Steamy Stacks. I skidded to a halt at the edge of the stack. I had to jump.

My chopper was below me. A couple feet at best. "Brutus! Can you hear me?"

"Yes boss," Brutus replied. He was one of my best agents, and he knew how to handle stressful situations. And how to drive a chopper.

"I need you to take off right as I land. Understood?" I called down again.

"I can do that boss!"

I looked behind me. "Shit," I thought to myself. Chaos Agent was right there! And he was coming closer by the second. I had to jump now.

I climbed to the railing and leaped off of the stack. I reached my hand out to the chopper, and caught one of the landing skids. I let out a deep breath, knowing that I didn't fall to my death. I needed time to think this whole death thing through.

"Now Brutus, go!" I used all of the arm strength I had to pull myself up to the chopper. I climbed inside and walked to the cockpit.

"Nice play Brutus. Glad to know that we're all still alive,"


I walked back inside the Agency. Brutus cut the engine and followed me inside. I turned my back to him and headed up the stairs to my room. I was about to enter my quarters, when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Hey boss," I turned to be met with a giant cat face. Meowscles. A little background info in this cat. He's half cat and half human. He's super buff, and he's been my best friend for a while now.

"Hello agent Meowscles. To what do I owe the pleasure of this conversation?"

"Oh just wanted to say hi. You know, 'cause I thought you might need someone to talk to,"

"I'm quite alright, thank you agent,"

"But you look so lonely, and I need a friend," Meowscles looked at me, and made his eyes go huge. The puppy eye trick doesn't work on me.

"I'm sorry agent Meowscles, I have work to do," I waved to him, opened the door to my room, and locked it once I'd entered.

I didn't have work to do. I just needed an excuse to get out of there. Because I wanted to do something that I've been trying to avoid, but couldn't anymore. I'm so sick of everything right now. My daughter is dead because of me, and I don't know how to handle it anymore.

I stumbled into my bathroom and reached into the nearest drawer for my electric razor. I don't know why I have one, because of my curse, I can't actually grow facial hair - don't ask me why - but I have one. I turned it on, and took off my jacket and my shirt, so as to not get them dirty. I pointed the razor towards my left arm.

I flipped the switch turning the razor on, and started to move it up my arm. It should've hurt, but I only felt pleasure.

I wanted to die.

In my own hands that is.

I turned off the razor after dragging it up my entire lower arm. I shoved it back in the drawer, and grabbed a small hand towel. Nothing fancy, just something to stop the bleeding. I threw my shirt and vest back on, and I then walked out of my room. I pressed the towel to my arm, thinking about how happy I'd be when I'd really be dead.


I stepped out of my closet wearing only an old pair of sweatpants. I had brushed my teeth and washed my face already, and I was ready for bed. I was preparing myself for another round of night terrors too.

I had survived a couple of hours of peaceful sleeping, when my mind started playing tricks on me. I could never remember what the dream was about, but I did know that it was happening.

This particular nightmare had me in tears. I was shaking uncontrollably in my sleep, when I heard the door to my room open. And of course I couldn't do anything about it.

I suddenly felt a large hand take hold of my own. This hand felt...furry? Yeah. It was Meowscles' hand.

Tears slowly stopped flowing, and I stopped shaking. I then heard quiet whispers.

"Hey, hey, Midas. It's okay, calm down. It's gonna be okay. There you go, just breathe,"

I slowly opened my eyes, and was met with Meowscles staring back at me. I sat up and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

Meowscles set a hand on my shoulder and loosened the grip on my own hand.

"Hey, are you okay M?" He asked.

I removed my stupid golden hands from my tear soaked face and answered, "yeah, thanks Meowscles,"

"I said you could call me Meow, if that's easier,"

I calmly nodded my head and stood up. I walked into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I heard Meowscles leave the room, and come back not long after. I exited the bathroom, and was handed a glass of water.

"Here, this'll help calm you down,"

"Thank you Meow," I started. "I appreciate your kindness," I will be honest. I've been eyeing Meowscles for a while now. First of all, he's super nice, and super smart. But he's also really hot.

I sat back down in my bed, and Meowscles sat down beside me. "Are you gonna be okay Midas- uh M, sorry?"

"Yeah, I think I'll be okay. And you can call me Midas. Work's not technically in session," he nodded.

I was staring up at Meowscles when he turned to face me. We were just awkwardly staring at each other, when I felt one of his hands on mine. I set the empty glass down on the table next to me, and right as I was about to say something, Meowscles leaned in and kissed me. I was in shock.

The kiss was short lived, and right after he pulled away, he realized what he did. "Midas, I am so sorry, it was an accident, I- I have to go," Meowscles then stood up, and bolted out from the room.
Alright, another story has begun. If you haven't read my first fanfic, do so! It's also Midas x Meowscles, and I am in love with it. I will try my best to have chapters posted regularly, so stay tuned for that. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Love's Rebirth, so read on to find out what happens to our two friends 🖤🤍🤎

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