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I slowly opened my eyes. I softly yawned, and turned my head to look at the clock. It was 3:00 in the morning. I glanced to my side to see Meowscles still asleep beside me. He wasn't holding on to me anymore, so I took this chance to stand up. Before I had fallen asleep, I received an email from Drift. He was rubbing it in my face that I had killed Jules, and said he would kill me, and I couldn't take it. I had a plan. I tiptoed over to the desk in my room, and pulled out a piece of paper. I clicked a pen, and wrote:


I've known you for six or so years, and those years have been the best years of my life. You were my first friend, and will always be my best friend.

I care about you, and you must know that I truly love you. Which is why I have to leave.

Not leave the Agency, but the world. I'm going through with it.

I love you more than you could ever know, and I am so sorry for everything. You and Brutus can figure out what happens to the Agency. It's up to you. I love you Meowscles.

-With all the love in the world, Midas"

I layed the note on the side of the bed where I slept, and I walked to the closet. I was extremely quiet as I got dressed, and slipped on my shoes. I walked out of my bedroom, leaving the door wide open.

I slunk down the hallway, and I started up the stairs that led to the roof. I planned on jumping off the building. It should do one hundred damage, because the building's seven stories tall. I stuck my head out of the trapdoor, and was immediately met by the heavy wind. It was pouring down rain as well, despite it being bright and sunny this morning. 'I just hope this wind doesn't wake up Meow...' I thought. I climbed up, and closed the trapdoor behind me, locking it.

I walked to the edge of the building. 'I'll just step off.' I have to think about this first though. I want to die so badly, but is this really worth it?

Meowscles' POV

I sprung out of the bed and fell to the floor. This wind is so freaking loud! I got up, brushed myself off, and turned to look at the time. 3:07. 'I'll go downstairs and get something to eat- wait. Where's Midas?' I thought. I looked back at the bed, and noticed a small piece of paper with my name on it. I picked it up, and started to read.

"With all the love in the world, Midas..." I was crying. I touched the paper, but realised that the ink from the pen came off on my paw. He wrote this not too long ago. I might be able to catch him. I dropped the note, and ran out of the room. I bashed open the door to my room, tossed my boots on, and ran down to the meeting room.

I slammed my hand on the red button sitting at Midas' end of the challenge table. A minute or two later, the agents came piling in.

"Kitty Bro, where's M? And why'd you call us down here at three in the freaking morning?!" Skye called.

"Skye, shut up. He obviously needs us for something," TNTina and Maya said together.

I thought back to the note. He said 'not leave' the Agency, so I had a feeling that he was still in the building. "No one talk, you only listen. Midas is somewhere in the Agency, and we have to find him. This is no laughing matter. We meet back here in five minutes, and I'll give you all the details later. GO!" I called. Everyone obeyed, and they ran out of the room. I did the same thing.


"Did mew guys find him?" I asked. Five minutes had gone by, and there was no trace of him.

"No. I'm sorry Meowscles," Brutus said. I nodded.

"Wait," everyone turned their heads to look at Skye. "Did you guys check the roof? Like, the top of the building?" My eyes opened wide.

"You guys can go back to your quarters. He has to be there, so I'll go alone." the Agents all nodded, and left the room. I waited until the door was fully closed, then I sprinted out the back door, and climbed the stairs. I made it to the trapdoor, and tried to open it, but it was locked. He had to be here. With my muscles though, I could bust the door open. I hit the door with my forearm as hard as I could, and after the fourth hit, it broke into hundreds of pieces. I shot myself up to the roof, and looked around.

Love's Rebirth (Midas x Meowscles)Where stories live. Discover now