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I ran upstairs. Midas had to be in his room. I walked into the room, and looked around. He wasn't there. I walked to the small balcony that was connected to his room, and looked around. That's when I saw him. He was on the ground floor, staring at the moon. I raced down the steps, grabbing a small umbrella before heading outside.

I opened the umbrella and slowly walked to where Midas was sitting. He was sitting on the ground, under the main statue out front. His white shirt was soaked, and you could see through the fabric, while his dark grey vest was nowhere in sight.  His hair was sticking to his forehead, and he still had the same bottle of whiskey he had earlier.

Midas' POV

I was silently crying, watching as the rain drizzled from the sky. The wind and rain had died down a little, but it was still pouring. I glanced over to where I had thrown my vest. It was stuck in a tree. I was trying to ignore the tears that were still dripping down my pale face. I took another swig from my whiskey bottle, then noticed that I wasn't being rained on anymore. But the rain hadn't stopped. I looked up to see an umbrella over my head. I turned my head the slightest bit to see Meowscles staring down at me.

"What do you want?" I asked, coldly.

"Midas, I want to apologize. What I did was wrong. I never should have even thought about hurting you, and I am so sorry. I was scared for you, because I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to die, I would take a bullet for you, just to let you live. So you don't have to accept the apology, but you just have to know what I think." I stood up, took the umbrella from his hands, and closed it. I threw it towards the Agency's main entrance, and took Meowscles' hands in mine.

"I forgive you, Meow. I know you would never hurt me, and that you just want me to be safe. And I should be thanking you, because you saved my life," I leaned in, and my lips met his. The kiss was soft at first, but soon grew more passionate. Meowscles held my waist in his hands while my palms rested on his soft but wet chest. Once we had broken apart, I wiped away the tears, and rain from my face, and sighed. 'I forgive too easily...'

"What happened to your vest, Midas?" Meow asked.

"It's in a tree. I'll get it later." Meowscles looked confused before he shrugged. I held his hand as we walked into the Agency.

Once we made it to my room, I set the whiskey on my desk, and walked into my closet to change, Meowscles walked out of the room to do the same.

I exited the closet in a tank top and sweatpants, and Meowscles walked in right after, wearing shorts. "You really don't have any shirts, do you?" I asked.

"I have a suit top, and a couple of sweatshirts. That's about it," Meowscles explained.

"Are you staying in here?" I asked, sitting on my bed.

"Would you like me to?"


"Midas, they know. All of them."

I hummed. Welp, here goes nothing. "How?"

"I slipped, Midas. I'm sorry. I was freaking out, and the words just came out of my mouth,"

"What did they say?"

"They were happy for us, you know, everyone but Maya," he explained. "Skye, DP, and Tina were just screaming,"

"So then it's good?" I asked.

"I guess so..." Meowscles plopped down on the bed. It looked as if he was thinking about something. I looked to the side of the room, and my eyes landed on a small silver staff in the corner of the room. Meowscles' head turned to follow my gaze, and he stood up. "Sorry, I left my staff in here." He took hold of the staff and walked back to his room. I followed him.

"What is it?" I asked, curious.

"It's a bow staff. It's a traditional weapon from my tribe,"

"Tribe? I thought you were created," I asked.

"That's what I've told everyone. My people were all wiped out. Shadow agents showed up in Weeping Woods, which was where we were staying, and they killed all of my people. I was at Slurpy Swamp exploring, and when I came back, everything had been set fire. I escaped the woods with only my overalls and staff. Then I showed up here, and I registered," Meowscles had tears in his eyes when he was telling me this. He looked so broken because of the death of his family. Just like me.

"I had a girlfriend before they were all killed. And a daughter," he continued. I was shocked. "That was a long time ago. I mean, I have a son now. But you knew that,"

"I'm sorry, Meow. What were their names?" I asked.

"Meowsies was my girlfriend's,"

"And your daughter?"

"Happy." He answered.

"What a beautiful name," I said, trying to cheer him up.

He smiled before saying, "Thanks Midas, I appreciate it,"

I laid my head on Meowscles' shoulder, and closed my eyes. We both slowly fell asleep next to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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