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I slowly opened my eyes, to the feeling of someone playing with my hair. I stirred a little bit, sat up, and Meowscles let go of me. "Morning M, are you feeling any better?" He asked, a genuine smile spreading across his furry face. I nodded, and yawned.

"How long was I out?" I asked, watching as he brushed a chunk of black hair from my golden eye, causing me to flinch once more.

"Not long. Maybe an hour or two," Meowscles responded. I turned to look out the window, and noticed that the sun had begun to set. I sighed and stood up. I realized that I was now wearing sweatpants and I wasn't wearing a shirt. I was confused. "Sorry, I hope you don't mind that I changed your clothes. Your normal outfit doesn't look the most comfortable to sleep in," Meowscles said. That answered my question.

"It's okay. I appreciate it," I mumbled. I was still tired.

"Oh and M?"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Brutus knows," he said, getting up from my bed.

"What do you mean?" I said. I was super conflicted.

"He knows about...us," great. Just great.

"What'd he say? And how did he find out?" I asked, hoping for a good answer.

"He told me that he suspected it. He came into the waiting room of the infirmary, and saw me pick you up after you blacked out. I didn't know he was in there, and I kissed you. He saw, came up to me, rubbed it in my face about how smart he was, then after we talked for a couple minutes, he promised that he wouldn't tell,"

"I see..." I said. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot up my hands and arms. It felt like a thousand knives stabbing into my skin. "Gah!" I cried, and I fell backwards. Meowscles caught me from hitting the ground, and picked me up.

"What's wrong Midas?!" He cried. I clenched my jaw, and squeezed my eyes shut.

"It's my powers, it's a side effect of my skin turning fully golden," I said. I was talking quietly, but I hoped that Meowscles could hear me.

"I gotcha," he said. Meowscles lifted me from the floor, and sat on the bed. He placed me on his lap, and took my hands in his. I was curled up in a ball, trying to ease the pain. Meowscles was massaging my hands, and it was helping. The pain slowly receded, and I calmed down.

"Thanks Meow, I'm so sorry. I'm a mess," I apologized, getting off of him.

"It's okay M. Are you okay?" He asked. He stood up and started for the door.

"Mhm. It's a side effect of my powers." He nodded.

"You should get some sleep. I'll go-"

"No! Uh, I mean, can you stay here?" I asked, frantically sitting up.

"You want me to? Why?" Meowscles asked, stepping away from the door.

"I don't want to be alone," I admitted.

"Okay. Let me get some sweatpants on. I'll be in in a second," he said. Meowscles walked out of the room, leaving me sitting on the bed, tears still filling my eyes. I was just staring at the door, waiting for him to come back.

I stood up, shaking my thoughts away. I stepped into the bathroom, and picked up one of my knives hidden in my drawer. I cut a large slash across my right arm. I clenched my fist around the knife, and cut my arm again.

I was about to cut another slit, but I heard Meowscles' door open from across the hall. He was coming out.

I threw the knife back in my drawer, and opened a cabinet. I found some bandages, so I could wrap my arm in them. I admired my work, then covered the wounds with the bandies. I rushed back into my room, and hid my arm under a blanket on my bed.

Meowscles walked into the room and smiled. His fur was wet, and he was in a pair of navy blue sweatpants, the same color as his overalls. "Sorry I took so long. I had to shower," he said.

"It's okay Meow," I replied. I was trying to act as normal as possible. I patted the left side of the bed, and Meowscles came over and sat down next to me. I yawned and layed down, pulling the covers over my head. I felt Meowscles wrap his arms around my waist, and I flinched, scared he might hurt me, but I eventually gave in, and I snuggled into his chest. I rolled over to face him, and closed my eyes. I felt Meowscles purring, and it was calming.

"Night Midas, love you," I heard Meowscles whisper. He yawned, and went silent. All I could hear was his breathing.

"I love you too, Meow...~" I said. Before I could even finish my sentence, I had fallen asleep.

Love's Rebirth (Midas x Meowscles)Where stories live. Discover now