~It'll be Okay~

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Midas' POV

I had finally started to calm down. I started listening to what was going on around me, when I heard humming. I glanced to my right side, and saw Meowscles sitting on my bed next to me. He was humming a song. Wait, I recognize that song. It's one of my piano pieces. One that I composed. I didn't know he listened to my music.

I sighed and Meowscles opened his eyes. "Are you okay Midas?"

"No actually. I'm not,"

"You want to talk about it? You were hurting yourself, so adding that to the bigger picture, the next step is-"

"Suicide." I said cutting him off.

"But why?" Meowscles asked.

"Because I hate my life. Every aspect of it is shit. I just want to die,"

It felt good to say it out loud. Meow is the first person to know.

"Midas, please don't go through with this. We all need you. Everyone here loves you so much. More than you could ever know. I love you. And I can't lose you. Just think about it, okay?"

Meowscles lifted my chin up to look at my face, causing me to flinch once more. He smiled softly, and pulled me into a light kiss.

I pulled away and hugged him tightly. After I let go, I took a deep breath in, and spoke. "Meow, would you maybe want to stay in here for the night?"

"Is that what you want?"

I shook my head, then nodded.

"You gave me a yes and a no, so which one is it?"

"Yes! Please," I said, quickly turning my head to look at him.

"Okay, calm down. I'll stay. Just lay down, breathe, and try to close your eyes. We'll get some sleep, okay?"

I did what he told me to do. I fell asleep not long after.


I woke up that morning, the sun from my open window blinding my eyes. I felt someone's arms around my waist and I flinched. Then I remembered that Meowscles was in here with me. I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep once more, when I heard something coming from downstairs.

"Brutus! How did you beat me?! I am the ruler of board games! Ugh!" Skye was yelling at Brutus for beating her in her board game it seems.

"Ugh, Skye can you shut up, for once in your life?" Meowscles mumbled.


Meowscles let me go and I sat up. "Morning M. How'd you sleep?"

"Okay, thanks," I replied.

"Are you feeling any better today?" He asked. He seemed to actually care. I was grateful for that.

"Not really, but I will be. Thanks to you. I appreciate all you've done for me these past few hours. Even if that was just stopping me from going any further,"

"But that's huge. I just want you to be safe, okay?"

I nodded. I knew that there was no saving my daughter now, and I didn't want Meowscles to know what I had done to her. With the luck I'd had with guys, he'd just leave me like the others.

"Can I have a kiss?" I mumbled.

"What was that?" Meowscles joked.

"Can I have a kiss?" I asked, a little more clearly.

"Still can't hear ya. You gotta speak up M,"

"Give me a damn kiss!" I exclaimed. Meowscles laughed and cupped my face in his hands. He kissed me softly at first, but I demanded more. I rested my hands on his stomach and pushed him to his back again. I was sitting in between his legs, but soon climbed on top of him. Meowscles licked my bottom lip, and I granted him access. I let his tounge explore as mine did the same.

Meowscles flipped over so now I was on my back. He was holding a plank over me so he wouldn't crush me with his body.

A couple more minutes of our makeout session went by, and we were finally tired. I laid on my side next to Meowscles. My head was resting in the crook of his neck and I was petting his head. He would plant small kisses on my head every so often. Meowscles was tracing the tattoos on my chest with one of his fingers.

After about a minute or so, we were both asleep again. We didn't have to get up, we were off today.


My eyes popped open and I shot my upper body up. I had woken up in a cold sweat, from a nightmare again. This one, I remembered. It was about my daughter, Jules. It was about her childhood, and how we were inseparable. Then, she just...disappeared.

I shook my thoughts away and stood up. I had no desire to cry, so I didn't. I felt pain though. I glanced at the clock next to me and saw that it was noon. I slowly got up and walked into the closet. I gathered my usual outfit, a pair of black dress pants and my usual low waisted white dress shirt. I slipped my dark grey vest on and snatched up my tie. I plopped down on the chair in my closet and placed my feet in my dress shoes.

Once I had finished getting dressed, I stopped at a mirror to fix my hair. After it had been combed down, I studied my face.

There was a nasty scar over my right eye, taking the sight from it. Last year, another time when all I wanted to do was kill myself. Everyone had asked how I had gotten it, and I only said that it was a knife wound, caused by Shadow. They all seemed to believe me.

"Sup sleepy head," Meowscles spoke.

I turned my head to face him. "How long were you up?"

"Since you woke up from your nightmare. You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks. I was about to go down to the commons if you wanted to join."

He thought for a moment. "I'll be down in about thirty minutes." He stood up and left the room, but not before leaving a kiss on my golden hand.

I chuckled, and then left the room.


As I entered the commons, I dodged an incoming jenga piece coming at my head. "Ah! Sorry boss man," Skye said.

"Skye, did you lose to Brutus again?"

"Maybe..." she responded to me.

"She's bad," Brutus said, laughing.

"You take that back Brutus!"  Skye and him began chasing each other around the commons. They finally ran outside to finish their fight. I picked up the strewn piece and tossed it back to the table.

I stepped into the kitchen and picked up an apple from the fruit bowl. I plopped down on the couch and clicked on the TV. I flipped through channels. I landed on an ID channel and I let it play.

Just then, Maya walked into the commons and sat down next to me.

Love's Rebirth (Midas x Meowscles)Where stories live. Discover now