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Midas' POV

I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of someone knocking on the bathroom door. I looked at the golden watch on my wrist, and read the time. It was four in the damn morning. Who's up this early anyway? Besides me of course. I had locked myself in the bathroom. I was using my dagger to cut myself, and I didn't want to be bothered.

I stood up and trudged to the door. I hid my arms behind my back so I could try to hide the open wounds. I opened it and saw Meowscles standing outside. "Uh...hey, Meow," I said.

"Hey Midas, is everything okay in here? I thought I heard laughing,"

"You didn't hear anything. Everything's fine-" I started, but stopped as my right arm fell in front of my body. "Ignore that, just a couple wounds from Shadow, uh how are you? How about waffles for breakfast? Do you like the color purple, I like the color purple-" this is a problem, I just talk nonsense when I'm hiding something.

"Midas, I know you're hiding something. Let me see your arm," Meowscles reached out a hand but I backed away. "M, I don't want to hurt you, I want to make sure you're okay,"

I was normally a strong man. I could hide my feelings really well. I never smiled or cried at all. Well, most of the time.

But today was different. I stepped backwards again and hit the wall. Meowscles still walked towards me, slowly. I knew he didn't want to hurt me, but I didn't want to scare him if he found out about what I do to myself.

"Hey Midas, it's okay. You can trust me," Meowscles couldn't finish his sentence before I sunk to the ground. I wasn't crying just yet though. I brought my knees to my chest and held my head in my hands, slowly rocking my body back and forth. "Midas, are you okay?"

That's when I started crying. I just let the tears flow. I heard the knife fall from the countertop. "Hey hey, please don't cry. Midas it's okay. Just try to calm down, and tell me what happened,"

I couldn't muster up the courage to tell him. I didn't want him to leave my side. So I hesitated, but I reached out and grabbed his leg. I held it close to my body as I let more and more tears out. Meowscles sat down next to me and pried my arms off of his leg. He studied them for a moment. I lifted my head up, but still kept my gaze to the ground, I was shaking, scared he would hurt me.

"Midas, what happened to your arm? What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything, I-" I began, but Meowscles cut me off.

"Midas, I noticed the bloody knife and countertop. What's going on? Why are you hurting yourself?"

"Meow...I-" I broke down in tears again.

"Let's get you cleaned up, and we'll go back to your room, okay?" He asked, standing up. I shakily nodded. He let me stay on the floor as he reached into a nearby cupboard for gauze.

Once he had found it, he came back to where I was sitting. I had found the knife, and was cutting more slits in my arms, laughing once again. Meowscles took the knife from my hand and threw it across the bloodstained room.

"NO!" I shrieked. "Meowscles give me the fucking knife back!"

"No, stop it Midas. Calm down," he took my left arm in his hand, and started wrapping it in the gauze. He did the same with my other arm, as I just sat there, bawling my eyes out.

Meowscles stood, and started cleaning the sink up. Once he was done he left for his room with my dagger in his hand. He came back about thirty seconds later. He gently picked me up, as to not disturb my wounds, and carried me to my room.
Hi guys! I am so sorry that I didn't post sooner, I've been caught up with personal crap, and mental health blah blah blah, but I promise to start posting more regularly 🤍🤎🖤

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