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Midas' POV

That wasn't good.

Maya has made it CLEAR that she has a crush on me. And she's not afraid to get scolded for it. So, I'm just trying to deal with it.

"Hey M. Whatcha watching?" she asked, leaning in closer to me.

"ID channel," I said nonchalantly. I wasn't amused.

Maya scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder, I flinched. This was so uncomfortable!

But then, to make it all worse, Meowscles walked in the room.

"Help me," I mouthed. He nodded.

"Hey Maya, could I steal M for a moment? I had a question,"

"Of course," she started. "See ya later baby!"

'Ugh! That prick,' I thought.

I stood up, and followed Meowscles out of the room. "Thanks Meow. She has a problem..."

"No problem M. What's up with her anyway?" he asked, leaning up against the wall and folding his arms.

"She thinks we're dating. Not gonna lie, she might be disturbed in the head," he nodded.

"Maya's weird, that's for sure,"

"Yeah..." then, my eyes went wide. "Do you hear that?"

"What?" Meowscles asked.

"Choppers. It must be Shadow! Grab your weapons and meet at the challenge table," I cried. Meowscles nodded and we both ran from the hallway. "Agents, Shadow choppers have appeared in the sky. I need you all to gather your weapons, and meet at the challenge table so I can tell you where to go," I took my hand from my earpiece and picked up my golden drum gun laying on the glass table. I slammed my hand on the red button in front of me, and listened as a loud alarm blared throughout the Agency.

Suddenly, the door was thrown open, and the agents and henchmen filled the room. No one sat, they just stood around the table listening to further instructions.

"Alright, listen up. You all have your ceremonial weapons and tools, yes?" every head in the room nodded. "Good. Henchmen, you will need to patrol the entire building, that means offices, rooms, etc; but especially the outside. Other agents, you will be at one post, and you must stay there in order to protect the entire place. TNTina, Rippley, and Brutus, you three will be on the southwest side. Skye, Journey, and Deadpool, you all on the northwest side. Maya, Turk, and Peely on the northeast side, and Rox, Rook, and Cameo out on the southeast side. Meowscles and I will be protecting the vault, because Shadow wants that relic back. The rest of you, whether I just didn't call your name, or you're not a field agent, you will be in the safe room under the Agency. Understood?'' Everyone nodded once again. "Good. Go!" I called out. The agents all ran, scattering off to their posts. Meowscles and I rushed to the vault, in order to keep it up to our means, and in hopes that we wouldn't get cut off along the way.

I bolted down the stairs leading to the vault. I skidded to a halt and loaded my gun. I looked back up at the stairs, my eyes trying to find Meowscles. Suddenly, he rounded the corner, and dove down the stairs. He rolled out of it and rushed to my side, holding his gun out as well. And when I say dove, I mean it. As if he were diving into a pool.

"Show off," I mumbled. He laughed quietly.

"I try," he said. Just then, we heard something in the vents on the right and left side of the vault. "Shadow. Careful M," I nodded. We moved slightly closer, so our backs were now pressed together. I was facing the left side, while Meowscles took the right. And at the same time, both of the vent doors were shot across the room, and one Shadow agent came out of each side. Our clones, Shadow Midas and Shadow Meowscles. Meowscles' clone dove for him, but I couldn't see who had the upper hand. The gold on my hands was slowly starting to rise up my body, until I was fully encased in the shiny metal. I couldn't get hit by bullets, but knives could still cut through the golden skin.

Love's Rebirth (Midas x Meowscles)Where stories live. Discover now