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Midas' POV

I stood up, and followed Meowscles out of the room. I had to catch up with him, but I had no idea where he went. I started thinking. He's my first and oldest friend, so I think I'd know where he would be. The gym. He'd be working out. I started my journey downstairs.

As I reached the gym's entrance, it dawned on me how Meowscles was my oldest friend, yet out of my thirty years of life, we've only been friends for six years. I really am lonely...

Last I checked, which was yesterday when I was updating the agent's files, Meowscles was four. Meaning he's actually around the age of twenty eight. I just hope I didn't scare him off...

I stepped into the gym, and looked to the center of the room. Meowscles was doing push-ups and mumbling to himself.

"Nice going Meow. Imma get fired, and then turned to gold. Lovely death scene," he sat down and took a sip of water, still not noticing that I was in the room.

"Meow?" I stepped closer to him. He screamed out of surprise and fell backwards.

"Sorry, uh that was embarrassing," he sat up and looked at me. "Yeah I definitely woke up the other agents. So what's up boss?" he mumbled.

"I want to talk about what happened back there," I said. I walked forward and sat down in front of the cat. He looked scared.

"I'm so sorry, M, I don't know what came over me, I-" I cut him off.

"Not like that. I-I liked it," I looked at our feet resting on the soft ground. I lifted my head up after not receiving an answer from the kitty.

His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide. "I swear if you're lying to me, I will break both of your legs and fold you into a pretzel, Midas," I chuckled.

"No, I'm not lying to you. I like you Meowscles. I only hope you feel the same-" I was cut off by Meowscles pulling me into another kiss. This one being more heated then the one we shared in my room.

Meowscles pulled me closer to him and I pushed him backwards. He was on his back and I was laying on top of him, not daring to break the kiss. His hands traveled up my bare chest, causing me to shiver under his touch. After what seemed like an eternity, we had finally broken the kiss, breathing heavily.

"And just confirming that this isn't a dream?" I quietly laughed at what I'd just said.

"God I hope not," Meowscles answered. I slid off of him and he sat up. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that. So, is this a thing now? Like, are we a thing?"

"Whether you like it or not, we are, because I want us to be. I said.

"Good. So I'll see you tomorrow then?" Meowscles asked.

"I guess so. But one question, do we tell the others?"

"Naw. You never know what could happen between them and us," Meowscles told me.

I nodded. "See you tomorrow morning then, Meow," I walked out of the gym trying to hide a smile. I still wanted to die, but at least I won't be dying alone.
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