Chapter 13

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"Nobody looks good in their darkest hours, but those hours make us who we are"


"Bell, are you okay?" Harry asks worrisome, walking out of the bathroom, now dressed as well as me.

"I-Um yeah." My voice is quiet, quite unheard.

"You just ran out of there." He says taking a seat next to me on the bed. I sigh and fall back from my sitting position into one were I am staring up at the ceiling.

"Bell.." His voice trails off.

"What do you want Harry? Please just leave me alone for goodness sakes." I huff out exaggeratedly.

"Don't call me Harry, Bell." His voice now serious.

"Then what the heck am I suppose to call you!? You are so-"

"Infuriating!" I get up and walk towards the door.

"Get your fûcking aśs back here right now." His voice demanding, showing that he's 100% serious.

"Now." His harsh tone means he's serious.

I walk back towards him, keeping my gaze towards the floor. I stand in front of him, keeping my gaze elsewhere from his eyes.

"What the hell is your problem Arabella?"

"Fûcking hèll. This is your last warning. Next time you will get punished. You will call me daddy. Your dad is dead. I'm in charge of you and you will do as I fûcking say." His voice harsh and demanding, meaning every word he spoke.

"Did you hear me?" His voice booms, making me flinch.


"Yes who?!" He grabs my arm harshly, digging his nails into the flesh of my arm, close enough to drawing blood.

"Yes, daddy."

"Good girl. Now, take off your clothes and change into this shirt." He throws one of his button up shirts at me.

It falls to the ground, before I am able to pick it up, so I bend down to grab it.

I begin to leave the room, but his voice stops me, once again.

"Change here." He demands and I know better then to go against him. I don't understand what has gotten into him, he's acting strange.

I turn around, so the only thing he would be able to see is my butt. I start by taking off my shirt, then my pants. Leaving my bra and underwear on.

"You have a wonderful body" Harry smirks, now standing in front of me.


Hell you guys are so amazing! This Fanfiction is #34. You know how crazy that is!?
This story has a higher rank then Hidden!! And that is like the best story on here!!
Damn you guys are crazily perfect. I love you guys so much!
I'll try and update soon for you beautiful peaches.
Question: do you suck dick?
Answer: only yours.

Question: who's ur favorite person?

Answer: irwxn- . she is bae af like follow her pls.

Highlight with a question here-

You fuckers are so amazing.

400 votes and 200 comments for the next update 💞

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