Chapter 31

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"If you like having secret little rendezvous."


Saturday. Thank God it's Saturday. I just want to lay in my bed all day and not have a care in the world, even though that probably won't even happen, but it's worth a try.

I choose to stay in bed as the clock strikes noon. I've got nothing better to do as my mom and dad are at work-like always- and I haven't got anyone to hang out with really.

I grab my phone from the bedside and just decide to scroll through twitter. I'm surprised to see that I have a text message from Harry. Well that's a first, hm. The text reads:

H; hi love, your parents are out all day I assume, I'm coming over around one so be ready (;

I stare at the text over and over again then realize that I've spent thirty minutes laying in bed since the time I've woken up. The clock on my phone reads twelve thirty, meaning that he'd probably be here in thirty minutes.

I don't bother getting ready or whatever because in all honestly, I am just too damn tired to do that. It's not like he hasn't seen me like this before because he has.

Soon enough I get another text from him saying he's here. Sadly I have to get out of bed to open the door for him. Couldn't he just like climb up a tree that leads to my window like Romeo and Juliet?

"Hi baby." Harry smirks, hugging me tightly then planting a kiss on my lips. He closes the door behind him as I lead him up to my bedroom. And no, not for sex.

I just want to relax and catch up with him. Nothing including sex right now because I am still very much tired, okay.

We lay down on my bed as I turn on the tv that's hung up on my wall. Our voices are muted at first, but soon enough he decides to speak up.

"How's your day been?" He says to me as he puts one arm around me, pulling me in closer to him. I tell him it's been alright as he says the same back to me.

"You're going back to school Monday right?" Harry asks me as we watch re-runs of Drop Dead Diva on Netflix. I nod my head, too lazy to actually speak.

"Don't get into another fight." What the hell? My blood starts to boil as he says that. Does he seriously think that I chose to fight her?

"Even if I do, it's none of your business Harry." I sternly say to him and it's true. It should concern him about what happens to me at school in the first place

"I liked it better when you called me daddy." He immediately changes the subject as he knows that if that previous one continued, it would only lead to yet another fight.

I decided to play along with his attitude, "Well, daddy. How about we have some fun?" I smirk, crawling on top of him, pushing him down flat on my bed. {a/n; you change ur mood too much girl}

"Today, I'm in charge." I say to him, grabbing a scarf from my beside. He smirks at me, flipping us around so now I'm on the bottom and he's straddling me.

He grabs the scarf from my hands and places a kiss on my lips. "Oh baby, you know daddy is always in charge." Harry says.

I moan as his lips attack my neck, cascading it with love bits and kisses. I don't hesitate as he ties my hands together at the top of my head.

He takes off my sweats, leaving me in my underwear and plain white t-shirt with nothing underneath. His long slender fingers rub my clït, instantly making me wet, causing me to moan his name loudly.

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