Chapter 7

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"Those with the softest hearts, build the hardest shells" Richard Evans


No words were spoken during dinner. The only sounds that were made were of our forks clinking against the plates.

I don't know what came over me earlier. Letting a grown man do that to me, it's insane really.

"You haven't talked." He breaks the awkward silence. I stop eating and look up from my plate to look at him.

"You haven't either Sir." I reply quietly.

"Instead of Sir, I like daddy better sweetheart." My face flushes a crimson red. It's just wrong on so many different levels.

"No, that's- weird." I flush even more. God this is so wrong, yet so right. Ugh he has a family, this isn't appropriate.

"Not to me. You see Bell, I find it quite intriguing when you call me that." He says putting his dishes in the sink.

"No-don't you just realize what you did. You cheated on your wife." I panic. His wife and children don't deserve this.

"So, she's always out with some other guy. You might not have saw it Bell, but she's quite an interesting actor." He smirks walking towards me.

"Don't deny you didn't like what happened. That look on your face showed it all." His voice is rough as he pushes me against the counter.

"Why me?" My voice is shaky and I can't even understand anything now. His touch just ignites this fire inside of me. It's just so- irresistible.

"You are just so-" He pauses for a second, then continues.

"Different. You give me this feeing that inside that just drives me insane." He laughs shaking his head.

"Then what about that day you put me down. You called me every mean name possible. Obviously you had meant it." I say, struggling to escape his grip.

"Bell, just forget about that. Okay?"

"I can't just forgot what you said to me. Do you know how many times I've been called fat, ugly, and so much more!" Tears start gathering in my eyes.

"But hey, I guess your right. I mean I should be used to it." I wipe my tears away angrily, harshly pushing him away and running towards the front door. But it's too late for him to catch me; I'm already out the door and away from him.

"Bell, get back here!" He yells. He makes me so furious yet so happy sometimes. Dang it that man is difficult to be around. My emotions just explode into this huge explosion every single time he comes around.


"You shouldn't run away like that Bell." Harry lectures and I roll my eyes. If it weren't for the fact that it was cold outside, I wouldn't have came back.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, dàmn it." He tenses, continuing his lecture or what not.

"It's getting late. I have school tomorrow." I interrupt him. It's not a lie, I do have school and it's like eleven pm.

"You seem to have no respect for your older peers. Your parents must've raised you differently."

"Yeah? And you always seem to say things that make me pissed off. I feel like you rehearse what your going to say to me." I scoff.

"You should really watch what you say sweetheart. You could get yourself fired." He smirks.

"Yes, daddy." The words fall out of my mouth before I can stop them. His face lights up in amusement.

"God damn, It sounds so sexy coming out of your mouth Bell." His raspy voice echoes. He grabs my hand, lifting me up from the couch.

"You're so damn sexy." His lips trail down my neck, lurashing with small, wet kisses.

"Call me daddy again Bell. Say it and I'll do anything you want." He says pushing me against the wall next to our previous location.

"I know you want this. Your body is showing it." He whispers into my ear. He's right. I do want this. I'm hungry for him.

"Please daddy."


Hi. I'm back. The other author, not Tommo_Tomlinson.
Just to let you know, we are both best friends and co-write this story. Jk I hate her. 😂I'll sign off with ~S and idk about her. 😂
I'm going to do one of those things were it's like highlight with a question. So you can get to know us better!

Highlight with a question here.

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