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8 years later


The beach air was crisp and full. I was watching the waves through the balcony of my beach house. It still felt weird to say that because this luxurious life wasn't always mine. I never even thought that I would be here today, with billions of dollars in my bank account.

It was because of him that I was living the life that I am today. And I don't know whether to thank him or be angry. It's selfish to be angry because of everything that he left for me, but I'm angry because he left me. He left me on this earth with everything but his physical presence and for that I'm upset.

He also left me with a future filled with whatever I've dreamt of and everything I could ever want. He gave me a future that people work their entire life for. And here I have it, just handed to me.

"Hey honey, you alright?" A sound voice comes up behind me, resting a hand on my back. I look over and nod, closing my eyes and taking in the weather today. It's been eight years since he died and I haven't thought of him in six of those years. So why am I now all of a sudden reminded of him.

It might be the weather, he once told me that he loved windy days that were filled with hopes and dreams.

"I'm just thinking." I reply, staying in my comfort zone.

"Is it about him?" My fiancé asks, turning his body to face mine. I sigh and look over at him.

"I haven't had this feeling in six years Nicholas. I tried to close out every inch of him and I thought it worked. Six years I went without even taking a single time to remember him. Why now?" I question, not him but myself.

"You've avoided every memory of him for six years. The reason he's back in your mind is because you haven't made peace with it. He's been gone for eight years, but you both had something special. The only way to clear your mind is to finally make peace with him and everything that he gave you." Nicholas always knew the right things to say. It's weird how he did, but he just had that gift.

"I'm gonna go take a walk down by the water." I gently smile, kissing him and then making my way down the stairs of the balcony and onto the warm sand.

You have to make peace with him.

The words of everyone rung through my ears. My therapist, friends and family all told me to make peace. But I'm scared because making peace will mean that everything that he and I had will be over, forever.

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