Chapter 29

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"Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful, will you still love me when I've got nothing, but my aching soul"


Third person p.o.v.

The sirens blared loudly, as the police and ambulances lined up against the gruesome view as the car laid there, crushed under all of the impact.

Men and women sprawled all over cleaning up,as near neighbors and strangers come out to see the sight that beholds them. Two bodies were hauled into the ambulance, as children intently watched the bloody mess upon them.

Arabella's parents we're immediately called to the hospital, as she is faced with a situation called upon life or death. Doctors rush her into surgery as the impact hit the hardest on her side of the car.

Harry's body lays restless on the hospital bed, with broken ribs and broken bones sprawled all across his body. Gauze wrapped around his forehead, sealing up the stitches that laid upon his head.

"I can't believe we let her go." Arabella's mother cries, resting her head on her husbands shoulder as he stares at his daughter through the windows of the room.

The hotel completely silent, except for the quiet whispers of cries coming from the loved ones. Hours pass by as they stay still, not one body moving an inch as they wait to hear the news of despair or the news that makes them all smile again.


I wake up with the biggest headache ever. What the fûck even happened, why am I in a hospital. I try to get up, but instead get s rush of immense pain rushing through my body.

That's when all the memories come flashing back from earlier. The car crash. Arabella. Oh my gosh is she okay? God dàmn it harry it's all your fûcking fault.

I press the button next to my bed, which brings in a doctor and nurse by his side. The doctor holds a clipboard with him, telling the nurse shit that I couldn't hear properly.

"Mr. Styles. Can you understand me?" Of course I can understand. Who the fûck does he think I am. I swear this fuck better let me out of here quick.

"I can hear you perfectly fine." I mumble underneath my breath. The only thing I currently care about is finding out if Arabella is even alive or not.

"Okay, I'm just going to run a few tests." Fuck his tests and shit. I need to get the hell out of this stupid hospital bed.

"Where's the girl I came in with?" I question the doctor.

"She is currently in surgery." He bluntly replies. Why the hell is she in surgery? Is she dying? What the hell.

"Fûck why can't I get up?" I complain.

"Sir, you have three broken ribs and you have a concussion." Fuck. Fuck this.

"Fûck this shît." I swear under my breath. The doctor pretends to not here me, when in reality we both know he heard me. I stare up at the dull lights and wonder how I could have been so stupid to bring myself into this mess. I should have been more careful while I was driving.


One month later


"Mom I don't feel good, can I please stay home?" I beg her. I haven't gone to school in a month and I still don't want to go. I don't care how behind I am, I just never want to go back there.

"Arabella, you've taken a month off. You're falling behind in all of your class work." She tells me.

"It wasn't my choice to take a month. The doctors said I had to rest." I say to her, which is completely true. After I had surgery, I was in a coma for two weeks. I was in critical condition, doctors weren't sure when I was going to wake up.

I haven't seen or heard from Harry since the accident. He hasn't bothered to come visit me, or even call me. I know he's alive because when I asked my parents how he was, they said he's fine and checked out of the hospital two days after the accident.

I am hurt that he didn't bother to find out if I was alive or not, but life goes on and you can't do anything about it so I just have to suck it up and get over it.

"This is your last day off." My mom gives in and I smile, going back to cuddling with my blanket. She leaves my room and leaves me in peace to go back to sleep.

My peace is soon ruined again as I hear someone enter my room. I groan loudly, annoyed by whoever is in my room.

"Mom please let me sleep." I groan. All I've asked for is sleep. That's all. Is that to much to ask for? Geesh.

"It's not your mom." A familiar deep voice rings through my ears. Harry? What is he doing here?

I throw the blanket off of my face and see him standing at the edge of my bed. His body covered in a suit and tie. A scar laid upon his forehead as his arm wore a blue cast.

"What-what are you doing here?" I ask him, shocked. He hadn't come to see me in a month and now he just randomly pops up in my room.

"Who the hèll even let you in here." I ask angrily. He is such a douche bag. Here I've been, in pain because of his shîtty driving and he doesn't even have the decency to come check up on me. I fûcking hate him. I hate him so much.

"Arabella, just listen to me." His voice is calm and assuring, the complete opposite of how mine is.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear you. It's because of you we got into that car accident, it was you who didn't even bother coming to see if I was alright or even alive!" I yell, jumping out of my bed and pushing him.

"Just fûcking listen to me!" His voice booms and he pushes me to the floor, I wince as pain takes over my body. I try to move, but my body is to weak to move on its own. Doctors said I wasn't fully healed and Harry doing this only made everything so much worse.

"Don't hurt me." I cry, my body already in so much pain that I feel myselfshutting out again. I stare at his angry face, but all he does is come near me.


I really wanted to go to otra Detroit so I could meet some of you guys, but tickets are so expensive. Don't worry, I'll be at home crying and watching vines though :(

QOTD: are you going/ have been to otra?

Go read my new hs story worse then a fûckboy! Also read sold if you want!

If you guys are interested in being in a collab account comment here. I will pick then pm you. One direction fanfictions only. Picking 3-4 girls total including me.

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