Chapter 28

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"All my life you, stood by me, when no one else was ever behind me"


"Come with me to the banquet tonight." Harry says to me, while we lay on the couch watching chasing life. I woke up from my nap about twenty minutes ago and Harry stayed by my side the entire time. How cute of him.

"I don't know if my parents want me to go." I say, truthfully. They've been kind of annoyed by my presence lately.

"Yeah, but they don't want to leave you home alone either." Harry says. He's got a point. My parents went out for brunch and couldn't trust me enough to let me stay home alone. Maybe I will end up going.

About half an hour later, I hear my parents pull up outside. I sit up and create some space between me and Harry. Not wanting my parents to think something is going on between us.

My parents walk through the door, immediately questioning Harry about my behavior. I let out a sigh at the fact that they treat me as if I'm a four year old.

"She was a very good girl." He says, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that." My mom says.

"Thank you for looking after her Harry." My dad says, his hand held out. Harry stands and shakes it.

"Oh it was no problem at all. I actually was wondering if I could bring Arabella to this banquet I'm having tonight?" He says looking between the two of them.

My moms initial reaction is to look at me. I can telling she's not really trusting me to go with Harry. So look at her with pleading eyes.

"You can go, but you have to be back by 12:30." I look at her with wide eyes, not really expecting her to actually let me go.

"Thank you so much mom!" I say, running to hug her. She seems taken back at my gesture. It takes her a second but, she eventually hugs me back. I go over to my dad and repeat the action with him.

"Okay Arabella I'll be here at eight to pick you up." Harrys says as he walks out of the door.

After I wash up, I wrap the fluffy white towel around my body and pad back into my room to see my mom laying a dress across my bed.

"Mom. What are you doing?" She places her hand over her chest, trying to slow her breathing back to normal. Over dramatic much?

"Arabella you scared me. I was just laying you something out to wear." She looks at me, slightly smiling.

"Oh-uh thanks." I say, not really sure how to react. She simply nods and leaves my room. I just ignore whatever that was about, and look at what she laid out for me to wear.

It was a short navy blue dress. I was lace at the top, with short sleeves. It was the most beautiful piece of clothing my mom has ever given me. The thing is why did she give it to me? She's never done anything nice for me, but out of the blue she does this? What is happening to her?


I sit on the couch, scrolling through my phone, that I had gotten back only for the night. I check my messages and only had the occasional ones from Harry from a while back. Other then that, it's not like I have friends who would text me.

"Why'd you and dad not decide to go?" I ask my mom, who sits on the couch watching her tv. She turns to me and shrugs.

"Just wanted a bit of a rest tonight." She says. Rest? They've never done this for other business related dinners so why now for the banquet?

About five minutes later, I hear the doorbell ring. I get up from my spot on the couch and go to answer the door.

I am immediately struck by Harry and how wonderful he looks. He really does clean up nice. I smile at him as he does the same back.

"You look so beautiful." He says to me. I smile, grabbing his hand that he held out for me. He leads me out to his car. His car is so nice, I wish I had a car like this.

"So I want you to remember, that mostly everyone at this banquet are stuck up rich people. Okay?" He says to me.

"Oh trust me, if I can handle you, I can handle anyone." I laugh, as I see a smirk growing on his face.

"I could stop this car and spank you." He chuckles. My cheeks immediately flush out of embarrassment. Why is he so straight forward.

"Mmh, maybe later." I wink, playing along with him. Immediately the bulge in his pants grows, big.

"You know how turned on I am right now?" He says, seeming a bit sexually frustrated.

"I have an idea or two." I laugh. He seems to grow more and more frustrated as time passes on, and soon enough I think he might actually come in his pants.

"You might want to er calm your little buddy down." I say, looking down at his pants. He gives me a death glare and all I'm able to do is laugh. Making fun of him while he's sexually frustrated is actually quite fun.

"Shut up." He mumbles, as he continues driving. I lay my head on the window, looking out at the sunset. I wish we could go to the beach instead, watch the sunset, have a picnic and then a bonfire.

"Harry watch out!" I scream as I see truck headlights heading straight towards us. He steers the car in hopes to save us, but he's not fast enough.

It's too late, as the truck hits us head on, my mind immediately draining out. I weekly look over to see Harry covered in blood and I give out right after.


It's a bit short today, sorry please don't be mad.

I love you okay? Each one of you guys are beautiful and I'm thankful for your existence.

I'll keep this short since many people don't care.

QOTD: how many chapters should this book end with?

~All the love, I guess xx

Yes, Daddy // h.sWhere stories live. Discover now