Chapter Thirty One

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Luca's POV

When I went home that night, a smile was on my face. A smile that turned into a frown when my father brought me into a meeting when I returned, a meeting that ended up with me being ordered to kill Amara.

"Son, since our plan to have Amara trust you and lead us toward the Russian base failed." He said to me when I sat down.

"I have no other delight to tell you, your next mission is to kill her." He said, patting me on the back.

"I know how much you hate her and I thought this mission would be best for you." He told me, and I had no other choice but to accept.

"Of course father. I won't let you down." I said to him, watching as a smile formed on his face.

"I know you won't son." He said to me before I left the room, walking up towards my bedroom where I slammed the door shut, sitting on the bed with my face in my hands.

Why? Why couldn't I spend one moment alone with her? Why couldn't I spend one day with her without having to kill her?

I didn't let the tears fall as I walked towards my window, my fists clenching at my sides.

I can't let my father down. I can't let my father down.

I repeated to myself over and over again. The thought of Amara dead on the ground running through my head.

I grabbed onto the railing of my balcony, gripping it tightly as I weighed my options.

I have no choice. I have to complete this mission. I have to kill Amara.

I have to kill Amara

"Fuck!" I yelled into the night's sky, my voice coming to a crack at the end.

I have to kill Amara

✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻

Amara's POV

I have to kill Luca

I have no choice. God why couldn't I just have one good thing in my life.

I keep telling myself I don't care for him, that I don't want him apart of my life. But I do, I want him in every second of it. Fuck

But that's not how my life works. I'm apart of a dangerous mafia. A mafia where no one get's what they want. A mafia where I don't get to have Luca.

It was too good to be true, and apart of me knew it wouldn't last, for every second we had together didn't last, something always tore us away.

I couldn't help but cry into my pillow that night, hugging it tightly as I thought of the night that was ahead of me.

What would he say as I put a bullet through his head? As I watch him fall to the floor, dead.

That made me sob more, my cries filling the room as I tried to fall asleep. I never cried like this, I never felt this throbbing pain in my chest as I pictured killing someone.

Why do I even like him? Why do I even care?

How did I go from hating him to caring for him? Maybe it was the way he made me feel when I cried into his chest when someone almost raped me. Maybe it was the way he cleaned up my stab wound. Maybe it was the way he kissed me or the way my stomach fluttered when his head was in-between my thighs.

I rolled over to the other side of the bed. My thoughts now thinking of another person.


He watched as my father beat me, he stared down at me, not making a move to help me up as my father walked away.

He was the one who told my father, he was the one who has been tearing me away from Luca. He was my friend, a friend I thought who cared for me.

Why did he care so much about a kiss we had? Why was it a big deal we almost had sex in the bathroom? I never told him I loved him, I never said I liked him. It was the heat of the moment.

I mean, he's attractive, he's nice, but he's my friend, a friend I would never date.

Maybe he wasn't even my friend after all. He took my mafia, he took me away from Luca. He was using me.

What a fucking bitch

I rolled onto my back, the tears now falling down the sides of my face. I looked over at the clock on my night stand, the time reading twelve.

Today was the day I kill Luca. The day I watch him die in front of my eyes.

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