Chapter Thirty Nine

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Amara's POV

Today was the day. The day I get married. I watched as the people around me worked at my dress, tying the back and fluffing up the bottom.

Once they were finished, two people came up to me and pulled me off of the stool I was standing on, and took me over toward a vanity where they worked on my hair and makeup.

I didn't care how I looked. I could be dressed in rags for this wedding and I would be perfectly fine.

And as they pulled and tugged at my long strands, everything was finally hitting me, fast and quickly.

I am getting married

Not to Luca, but the monster that I called a friend. To the monster that loves me, to the monster I hate.

I kept my back straight as I walked down the long hallway, my dress trailing behind me as I took each step, each step that lead me to the rest of my life.

"Amara!" My father said, coming up to me, "Don't you look beautiful."

I nodded my head, him following beside me as we walked. I winced as soon as I heard the sound of heels clicking, I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was.

"My sweet Amara." She said, coming in front of me so that way I get a full view of her.

I rolled my eyes as soon as I saw what she was wearing. A tight dress wrapped around her body, with an extremely low neckline.

"Nice to see you too, Victoria." I gritted out, as she threw her arms around me. She squeezed me tight, and just like my father, I smelt the alcohol on her breath.

"You never told me you were getting married to that hottie." She said to me, after she pulled away.

"It wasn't planned." I told her.

"It was an arranged marriage." My father chimed in, taking a swig from his flask that he had taken out of his pocket.

He checked the time on his watch, quickly putting the flask away and grabbing my arm.

"We have to go now, we don't want to be late." He said, pulling me towards the large doors across the way.

Once we reached them, he turned to me, a small frown on his face.

"I know this isn't what you wanted, but you know it's for the best." He said, looping his arm in mine.

I looked at the doors ahead of me and took a deep breath, not wanting to fight with my father at the moment.

"I know." I said shortly, the sound of music playing on the other side.

Once those doors opened, I had no choice but to walk forward, my eyes directly on the man that stood at the front, a large grin on his face.

I felt the need to throw up, I was going to be sick. The way everyone's eyes were on me as I walked toward him, made me want to kill everyone here, torture them for coming to a wedding like this.

And as I reached him, he took my hands, his eyes boring into mine as the officiant started to speak, their voice booming towards the crowd.

I couldn't even hear them as they spoke, I was too focused on the way Mason stared at me, an evil gleam in his eyes.

I couldn't help but think, as soon as this wedding was over, Mason would become the mafia leader, not me.

And when Mason said I do, I felt the colour drain from my face. Once I spoke those two words, it's official, I would be a house wife.

"Do you, Amara Volkov, take Mason Semenov to be your husband?" The man spoke, everyone's attention on me.


Why couldn't I say it?

The sounds of multiple guns clicking made me stop, turning my face toward the sound.

And when I did, my body froze, my heart stopped. There he was, Luca.

Him and multiple people stood from their seats, guns pointed towards Mason.

"Give Amara to me now, or I'll burn you all to the ground."

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