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OCTOBER 18TH, 1989 T
he sound of her leather boots clicked against the tiled floors as She walked down the empty halls to her locker making haste to pack up her things to meet Lucas down by the entrance doors. Usually he would be waiting by her locker so they could walk out together, but he had some things he needed to take care of before they left. It gave her a perfect opportunity to talk to her teacher about taking honor classes for the rest of the school and possibly considering applying to some colleges she's found interest in. Although the talk was long yet much needed, in the back of her mind, she was looking forward to hanging out with Lucas but was nervous. The moral reason was to finish this project they’ve been stuck on for a month and half and finally exhale the stress they've been keeping in. Yet deep down inside and in a cliche way this was her first time going to a boy's house and this was Lucas first time bringing a girl to his home just for school work and maybe hanging out afterwards when everything was done. Most find this as nothing, it isn't a big deal, just two people casually hanging out and doing school. However they both have social anxiety, don't normally hangout with someone unless they were forced to and usually kept to themselves. Very self conscious, the idea of embarrassing themselves scares them. To simply say “act natural” wasn't as easy as it seemed. Although the imagery of being around her made his cheeks hot. The scent of her perfume, the warmth of her presence made him overwhelmed. Same way goes with Liberty, the way he looks at her makes her feel all bubbly inside, she even chuckles at the mere thought of him looking at her. "Hey," A boyish voice was heard from behind, alarming her to turn around quickly and notice it was someone other than Lucas. He stood 6 '2 with curly red hair, hazel eyes, and charming smile, played on the basketball team and was seen as second in rank for being the most popular boy in school. Hayden West, most would say he’s a charmer at heart, flirty with a social light. Such a flirt but has a tendency to attract girls more than he should. Usually Liberty sat by herself in Literature due to concentration reasons, of course no one knows but Hayden just so happened to burst her bubble and decided to sit at her table. At first she minded it, but later on they started talking on a casual level. However lately he has been complimenting her kit more than usual, and tries to converse with her as much as possible. Liberty was oblivious and believed he was just trying to be nice yet others say otherwise. "Oh hayden, hey how's it going?” She smiles, turning back around to continue packing. Hayden could see why some fell so over heels with her. She was a pretty girl, and seemed very kind and sweet. She was usually self and very quiet. "Pretty good, and what bout yourself? “Not too bad, can't complain.” “Nice, well I'm sorry to disturb you but I wanted to ask you something.” “Yeah sure, wassup?” So the homecoming dance is next week right…” “mhmm…” “and I dont have a date yet but was wondering if you were going? I'm unsure, I would like to bur my mom hasn't approved yet Oh… Why? …I was kinda hoping you would go with me. Liberty stared at him for a good minute before chuckling nervously at the kind yet sudden thought, “Oh,” she blushes. “That's really sweet of you, hayden and im sorry i wish i could give you a definite answer," she apologizes scratching at the side of her arm. he smiles a little, "no your fine. How bout i guve you my number and you just let me know, yeah?” Liberty looks over the grin from ear to ear. she tilts her head to the side with her arms crossed and side leaned against the lockers. “Idk hayden…I really dont want to get your hopes up.” He walks closer to them eyeing her beautiful appearance as her face twists, chuckling a little at the idea. "Just let me know when youve got an answer.” Her head shakes, shutting the locker door She couldnt help but to scoff, Turning on her heel to walk away and he follows in pursuit. “I just dont get it, lately you’ve complimenting me on my appearance, calling me cute and what not, then you insist on helping me carry my books and now youre asking me to homecoming?” There was a moment of silence, She had turned around and looked at him confusingly. “Why are you so persistent?” She asks with a light chuckle, her head tilts and her arms crossed. “I'm sure the other girls want to go with you. Why not just ask them?” They were so close in proximity that she could smell the scent of his cologne. It was so intoxicating yet too strong for her liking, it overwhelmed her nose almost as if a burning sensation whenever she inhaled. However, what kept her still in shock was those green eyes. They were dangerously gorgeous and held a hazel hue around the center. As she looked between them, they screamed nothing but trouble. "Because…” Hayden gave her a look, “you're not desperate looking." Liberty was quiet. Hayden sighs, eyeing her face closely as he stands closer leaned against the lockers. "You're not out here begging me to knock your boots off and plus…i wanna enjoy my night with the cutest girl in school." He states cutely, knocking her chin with his finger in a sweet manner and she laughs, "Like that's supposed to convince me!" "Cmon," He pouts cutely like a dog. Grabbing a hold of her hand to stop her from going down the stairs, startled by the touch of his hands grabbing her waist. Standing there with her hand gripped into his large soft one, oddly feeling little butterflies swarm in her stomach. "What's the worst that could happen? What? Is it Lucas?” “Tch, what?” “Are yall together or something?" From the other end of the hall a set of eyes watched closely as they interacted by the staircase. “No, we’re just friends.” They watched her stand there and release a soft sigh taking a moment to look down at their hands interlocked. “You sure? Because the way you two have been hanging out lately might say otherwise.” “Hayden, theres nothing going on between us. And even if there was, i wouldve had told you no regardless of me going or not.” “Okay, well besides the obvious, whats wrong with me taking you? He wont get jealous or anything, right?” “No, of course not!” “Okay then so it shouldnt be a problem with us going right? The last thing i want is for him to get upset im taking instead.” “Im sure, i promise. He said he wasnt going anyways” He raises his hands up in surrender, “Okay, i just wanna make sure. Dont want to get you caught up in anything.” “Tch, im not that kind of girl, hayden, but since youre so eager, ill let you know once i have my answer.” “Okay, cool…I’ll see you around then.” He sends her a flirtatious wink backing away as a sign of her being free “Bye.” Liberty smiles as she looks around the corner to find Lucas stood against the wall with a piece of paper in his hand. “have you been standing here, waiting for me this entire time?" Lucas looms up. His face was qlready concyrantrated from readung but he teases, "no, i just happened to have flown from space, went to get me a quick cheeseburger from Mickey Ds and walked right up here just in time to meet you." Libertty shakes her heada at him smiling from ear to ear 'Might i add that was all within a span of 30 seconds." “Did you at least get me nuggets meal with a sweet tea, bbq and sweet nd sour sauce?” "Mhm." “Wait really? I was just joking...” “Yeah, I needed to get my sister something so I just thought maybe you wanted something as well. For now at least, I still need yo cook something for dinner tonight.” “Aw, thank you. How much i owe you?” “Nothing.” “Don't do that.” “what? I'm serious. You're good.” “You sure? I can pay you back.” “Liberty, I promise you you don't have to pay me back anything. All you have to do is eat it.” "Okay, but sorry.” “Fooooor?” “The meeting. It took longer than expected.” He shrugs. "No need, I'm sure it was important anyways.” "Mhm, I'm switching to honor classes." “Hm, that's interesting.” “Whys that?” “Because so am i.” “What? Seriously?” “Yeah, well I've already switched. But now that my dad is getting off my back, academically I can finally do what I want.” “Thats good, does your dad not support the idea of you going to school?” “No, not really. He thinks I should just get a modeling gig and make something out of myself the easier way instead of going through the hassle of getting my diploma and degree.” “but that doesn't make sense, how will you succeed in life without a diploma and degree?” “Beats me. I'm not trying to find out either way.” “Hage you considered what yiu want to do?” “Not sure. I'm considering two things but it all depends.” “On?” “Where life takes me. Considering I have a little sister that relys on me more than just brother, the idea of me leaving her behind kills me. I want to make sure and know she's well taken care before I decide to run off to college.” “That's understandable. I'm aware of your mother's passing but do you not have other families to take her temporarily till your fit to take her?” “I do, but that means she would have to move two hours away from her school and I don't want to do that to her. She has friends rhat cherish her. The last thing I want is to take that away from her. As a little kid my parents and I moved often. I didn't have the same friends growing up until high-school. It gets tiring after awhile, after switching schools after while it gets tiring. It makes you not want to have friends because you know within a week you'd have to restart all over again. It sucks being the new kid on the block.” Liberty couldn't understand because she was in thag position. Partially she understood being a new kid and meeting different people but to do that frequently at a different school made her mind think of it as something annoyingly repetitive. She listened and considered the thought of having to do it frequently and internally it made her feel sorry. Pity, even. "How was school today?" Lucas ask overseeing her while she makes the dough. "Boring." Emma groans, eyes rolling. "I should've stayed home." "And be alone in the house for seven hours?" He scoffs, "Pfft! Yeah, no." "There's nothing wrong with that!" She frowns. "There's a lot wrong with that." He chuckles, "You're an underage child without your parents or legal guardian watching over you, and on top of that you're not in school. Someone's bound to get in trouble." "And that someone would be dad, right?" "Right." Emma looks over at Liberty, “so do yih and my brother go to the same school.” “Yes, we have two classes together. “Are you two friends? “Of course.” “Oh so you like him? “Yes I do “So he doesn't annoy you? “No…? What would make you ask that? “Because he annoys me and I'm a girl and most boys are annoying “Oh, that's true. Most boys are annoying “So you think Lucas us annoying?” “Not to me no. But to you yes because he's your brother ans most brothers like to annoy their sisters.” “Oh OK, so you like him right? Right But do you like like him? Ehat do you mean by that? Like, are you boyfriend and girlfriend “Oh no, we're just friends.” “Do you like him like a boyfriend?” “Umm…” “Emma, stop it.” “What? “You know what. “ I'm just asking a question.” “Well ask her something else. Ask what her favorite color or animal is, something other than about me “Ugh, fine. See what I'm saying? annoying “I heard that!” “no you didn't! After preparing for dinner and leaving Emma in the living room to make her fort and watch movies. The two went upstairs to finish on their project. It was a good hour later Liberty was laid out on his bed reading her English book for the upcoming assignment next week. The room was pretty quiet after Emma had talked their ears off for the past 30 minutes before dashing off to play dolls. Lucas had discarded his homework a long time ago when he realized how in peace and comfortable liberty was laid out on his. His eyes peeked up as she had turned to lay on her back. Head rested at the foot of the bed messing with her loose curls murmuring lowly the words from off the pages. She huffed once she ended her chapter brown eyes glimpsing over the window spotting the sun shining on her.