New Owner aplication form.

369 2 1

Name: (Ashley, Laura.......)
From (England, UK, America....)
Age: (teens, mid teens late teens...)
Experience: (have you written any before)
Friendship (can we be friends :) )
anything about you! (Music yu like...)
Why can I trust you?

Q & A

What is involved in being the new owner?

Being the new owner means that the account is yours, you can change the name, profile pics, (you can't change the @Mrs_Sammy_Bieber name sorry) you can change the books, add new ones, follow/ unfollow people, read books, vote an comment on them just like it's your account!

Why am I letting someone else run it?

I have a few accounts now as you may now, Master_Of_Horror Sammy_Hood and @Undead_Bieber_Hood they are all my accounts and it's getting hard to run all of them. So I'm letting one of you guys in this one.

What do I need to know?

All you need to know about this account is that you Can't delete the books, but you can change, edit them and all that but you can't delete them because I worked really hard on them.

Will you still have the account?

I will still have the account Password and username, I will help you run it and I may add or edit the 5sos books but that's it, if you want to add a justin Bieber book, or anyone else you can I will help you run it and I'll help you write the books ( if you want me to).

Can I write anything?

You can write anything you want, fantasy, horror, fanfic, teen fic it can be anything you want it to be.

Interested? Please send me a private message either on here, Sammy_Hood or @Undead_Bieber_Hood if you message me on this account I may get back to you late, don't message Master_Of_Horror because I won't read it ( I don't use that account often) so please message me on either Sammy_Hood or @Undead_Bieber_Hood

Thanks all!

Good luck!!!!!!!!

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