the thing your into that he thinks is funny/stupid

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Your in Ghosts and Paranormal things Ash doesn't mind that your into ghost stuff he finds it a little bit stupid how you believe that ghosts are real but he's not going to judge you for it


Reading he doesn't like how you get absorbed into a book and how you can sometimes ignore him you don't mean to you just sometimes go into another world he thinks it's kind of stupid because you read the book like 3 times


Your into clothes Shopping you go like 5 days a week and spend a fortune on clothes but he likes seeing you happy and trying new things you normally wouldn't dream of trying he thinks it's kind of funny how you shop so much


Your into drawing you would spend hours and Calum would hate it because you wouldn't talk to him and you would just draw he thought it was stupid how all the time all you did wad draw

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