You meet in school and date Calum

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Calum: ( your p.o.v)

I was a normal English 15 year old Teen I had to move to Australia because my dad got a new job over there I hate it I had to leave all of my friends behind in England and my family too i have to keep up with school work so i went to Norwest Christian College i had no idea about the school I didn't know anything about it I was so scared but excited maybe my best friend Jessica comes to the school she went to my school in England but she moved I Australia

I have to start at the start of year 10 great I should be year 9 not 10! Oh well I can't change it I'm wearing there uniform black shoes white buttoned up blouse with the logo on it and black school bottoms and my blazer from my school in England Im not looking forward to today I put my headphones in and listened to Usher i found my way to my first class Science my best and favourite subject I'm a nerd at science I just hope the other kids don't bully me like in my other school the teachers told the kids in all my class and form that I was starting on Monday they put up signs in the the corridors and outside for me so I could find my class easier a teacher greeted me outside of the school and showed me to my class I took a deep breath and walked in with her the whole class looked at me

There was 3 boys that stood out for me in particular A Blue eyes blond I have a thing for blinds he was totally geogoues another blond with green eyes and another lad Brown hair brown eyes you thought he was stunning you got sat next to the Blue eyed Blonde

" what's you name" He asked bursting with Confidence

"(Y/n)" you said back to him shly

" I'm Luke Hemmings"

" So today class we will be learning about the periodic table does anybody know the elements of the periodic table" i slowly raised your hand i got so nervous because nobody else did

" (y/n)" my teacher picked me I said the whole of the periodic table In order my teacher and class mates where shocked that you knew it off by heart

"How did you know it that well" my teacher asked shocked

"I studied Science at my old school"

I spent the rest of the lesson helping Luke with his work on the periodic table when the lesson ended Luke walked me to my worst subject Maths I got sat next to a brown haired girl her name was Kerri you and her got to know each other and became friends my best friend Jessica was in my classes so me and her met up and went to break together i was eating Chocolate ( as you do ) and we were taking selfies and catching up we had a great laugh when this boy came up to me and shoved me onto the floor I noticed it was my ex boyfriend Jake he hates me because I dumped him he used to bully and beat me up in my last school and he moved away now I know where he went

" Going to cry and wish for Spider-Man (y/n)"

Spider-Man was my favourite move being my ex he knew that I could say every word from all the movies I loved Spider-Man i have been following it for as long as I can remember. He was horrible to me about it

" Going to go and Cut yourself bitch"

That hurt.... A lot

I had battle scars on my arms from bully's from him but he didn't know that I ran off trying not to cry at what he said I was crying in the hallway when I felt a kiss on my cheek....

It was 5 months later Calum and you had been dating for three months after he kissed you you had been so close to Calum and he asked you out after crushing on you. You two were known though the school for your love you two were really happy and you where really close. Luke often posted photos of you two kissing with the caption "Love Birds" or something like that

You wanted to spend the rest of your life with Calum you had to go home soon and you knew that but you didn't want to tell him because he was happy

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