Your son gets Bullied Ashton

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(A/n) In Ashton's p.o.v Bold is your son talking
In Adams p.o.v bold is Ashton talking
In your p.o.v bold is you talking
In Eva's p.o.v bold is Adam talking

Your 15 year old son Adam has been acting strange lately eating in his room, not talking much,not as happy as normal, he always wears a jacket with his hood up, covering his face a lot,going out more than normal, he's been ignoring you and Ashton and his own Girlfriend Lisa, Hassnt touched his Xbox and playsation in weeks, and been camping out in his room, He used to post purine videos everyday (he's a YouTuber) but he Hassnt in 3 weeks this has been going on for about 2 weeks and we are starting to get a little worried

Ashton's p.o.v

At first I thought It may have just been a phase as part of him growing up. But now I'm having second thoughts

I looked on Adams Twitter and YouTube in case it was hate off his YouTube videos so I checked them out and there wasn't any I checked his Facebook videos and photos and I saw a video of him crying so I clicked it and I was shocked

Adams face was bleeding and he had a black eye and he was crying I could hear a boy laughing at him I guess it was the one who was filming him

"Come on baby say something" the boy shouted at him

Adam tried to escape and about 4 boys stacked him and beat him up they kicked his tummy and even worse his manhood they all came to the guy filming laughing and they filmed Adam trying to get up off the floor he was covered in blood then one of the lads kicked his manhood again and Adam collapsed back onto the floor all I could hear was laughing and Adam groaning in pain

I got so upset at this. This must by why he has been like he has I looked at the time and it says 13:45pm now it's 14:20pm and Adams at school then another one came up Adam. Was in the bleeding and crying and the same kid grabbed his arm and pointed the camera at Cuts on Adams arms Adam angrily got up and walked away when one of the lads pined Adam up the wall and repeatedly kicked his manhood Adam was shouting in pain asking them to leave him alone but they wouldn't

This one was posted..... 10 mins ago

I was crying my little lad was being Bullied and he didn't even tell me or his mother about this

He came home at 3:30pm as normal with his hood up cap on holding his tummy I could see blood on him "how was school" I asked him to see what he said "It was great I had an Awesome day!"

Adams p.o.v

I got beaten up twice today I can't explain the pain I'm in at the moment the bulling has been going on for about 2 weeks first it was just name calling and pushing and insulting but now it's gotten worse Jason and his mates steel my work smack me and beat me up. I don't know why Jason bully's me all the time I haven't done anything to him!

I can't tell me mum and dad they would get upset and worried I couldn't do that to them so I'm just gunna do it myself I went to the bathroom striped off and looked at myself in the full body mirror blood everywhere my manhood bruised and bleeding my tummy bleeding my arms bleeding legs cut black eye. I can't tell anyone or they will hurt me again I got a cloth and tried clean my manhood I hardly touched it it the amount of pain made me weep in pain same with my eye,tummy,arms and legs my arms are my fault because of Jason and his mates I self harm so that's my fault.

I cleaned myself up and went to my room on my computer and went on Facebook and watched the videos it hurt so much knowing that they were on Facebook I read the comments

He deserved it
He's so stupid
He needs to grow up
Why is he portending his manhood hurts he ain't got one
He's such a wimp
He's a baby
He needs to die

By now I was crying why do people hate me so much? "LUNCH" My dad called great I was starving I pulled my jacket on out my cap on hood up and zipped it up and went to get my food when I got down to the kitchen my little sister Eva ran to me and hugged my waist she gripped me tight and I was in a lot of pain where she hugged me I tried to hide it so it didn't worry her she was only 10 she was starting my school soon starting year 7 I just started year 10 and I'm not letting anyone hurt her she means the world to me.

I grabbed my dinner said thanks went up to my room to eat it. About half an hour later is was on my bed watching a movie on you tube when he dad came in.

I already had my hat and jacket on I quickly put my hood up hoping he didn't see my eye he had an ice pack in his hand " Adam I know about your eye I know about your bulling problem"

My tummy sank I guess he saw the videos he took the hood down and cap off my head and gently dabbed the ice onto my eye Ow I grabbed his arm "No Dad stop it hurts!" "It's okay sorry you do it" he handed me the ice pack and I did it myself "How's your Manhood i saw them kick it repeatedly" my dad put his arm around me "honestly it really badly hurts but I guess I will be okay" I told him he helped me out.

The next day Eva started the school in year 7 I hung around her some of the day and introduced her to my mates later on that day I was waiting outside Music with my mates Jason was in my class and Eva was with her mates she was next door to me in information technology. I was talking to my best friend Ryan when I heard Eva scream an cry i looked to her and saw Jason hitting her and his mate Cameron filming it I heard Cameron shout "BEAT THE S*IT OUT OF HER JASON SHES ADAMS LITTLE SISTER SLAP HER MORE!" Nobody messes with my little sister I got angry and ran over and pushed Jason off Eva I told Ryan Connor, Jack and Harrison to look after her and to move her away from the seance and Jason beat me up again worse than yesterday

Afterwards I ran to Eva who was crying into Ryan's arms I hugged her and she was begging for dad to pick her up so I rang up dad and told him to pick her up. He came to the school and saw the state Eva and I were in and talked to the head teacher

Ashton's p.o.v

I arrived at the school after I got a phone call off Adam satin I needed to pick Eva up.

I went to talk to the head teacher about his the first Aiders helped Adam and Eva get cleaned up

"A guy has been bulling my son and I'm fed up of him hurting my kids" she looked over at Adam who had his his shirt off with blood all over his tummy the first aider touched it and Adam shouted in pain "STOP IT DONT TOUCH IT IT REALLY HURTS" Adam layed on the floor and cried in pain holding his tummy

The bully's came into the room and laughed at Adams state and went to the teacher and said

" Mrs Bird Adam kicked my manhood and punched me" before anyone could say anything Adam Said

"You beat my little sister up what else could I have done" Adam said calmly

"Shut up BoyBelieber!" The kid said and kicked Adams Manhood Adam grabbed it and cried in pain.

Adam loved Justin Bieber. He had done since he released One time his first single into the world. he often got bullied for it

"Jason Smith you are excluded from school for 2 weeks an we will phone your parents up and tell them what you have done

"What about Adam he kicked My manhood!" Jason protested

"What you did was 10x worse"

"I'm sorry I did that Jason but you was bulling my little sister I couldn't just stand there and let you hurt her like you hurt me" I was so proud of my little boy for that reply

(A/n) fave for Part two

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