Your child has a nightmare Lukey

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( his p.o.v)

I woke up to my 4 year old daughter Chloe screaming. I looked to my side and saw that (y/n) was fast asleep. I got up and went to her room and saw her curled up crying on her bed. "Chloe?" I said quietly "DADDY FANK GOWD YOUR HERE" She jumped in to my arms I picked her up and rested her on my hip. She wrapped her arms around my neck and and was grabbing on to my shirt for dear life. I wrapped my arms tightly around her. I could feel her tears on my shirt. "What happened Chloe?" I asked her quietly "I dreamt that you left us for tour and we never saw you again" she replied to me she started to cry "I will never leave you baby girl I love you too much to leave you" she looked at me and smiled. "Can you sleep with me daddy?" She asked I laid her down on her bed and cuddled up to her

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