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Memories are embellished with the deep engraving of the heart.


"Julia," my mother called my name, over and over again in the summer of June when New Delhi was burning from its temptation and all the desires are forever gone.

"Coming, Maa!" I was running downstairs, reluctant to her voice to my rhythm.

"Come, there is a letter for you,"

Letter? When did  I start receiving letters in a world where everything is in digital format.

"It's one of those you received Julia, come fast!"

And I ran fast! Saving to my life as there will be no tomorrow to breathe for me.

It's one of that letters!

These words are enough to recapture the whole trauma again.
If maa read this, I will be dead soon, so I ran to save my life and snatched it away from her hands.

"What's is this?" She raised her eyebrows sceptically.

"Nothing just one of the promotional letters from the companies," I lied, but I could read in her eyes that she doesn't believe me.

Although she didn't say anything she just nodded her head in astonishment.

When she was out of sight, I ran to the garden, ran to catch the freedom to let go of all the agony of my life.

I opened it, it has the same initials! All the twenty letters have the same initials.

The same initials that changed my life forever.


I don't understand how is he able to find my address every time I change it. What does he even want from me?
Sending me letters in every season?

It doesn't matter anymore. Time has changed, our life has changed and the universe? It has changed too!

I opened it, and read the first line. All the letters have the same first line!

"I am regretful!"

I wanted to ask and wanted to read his mind to know why is he regretful? 
It's already been five years.

As the memory flashes in my mind, I crumbled the piece of paper to only stuff it in my pocket.

In the garden, there were flowers of lily, which I admire greatly. The sun was on its extreme level ready to burn all of us for our sins but I wasn't afraid this time for any of the outcomes and as my heart was thumping the weather changed suddenly into its depths when the colour blue painted itself into the black one.

Then abruptly, it started raining heavily ready to wash all dirt I had on my body.

As hope arrives, the rain arrives heavily and cleared everything.

"Julia, there is somebody who came to see you," my breathing was heavy, my clothes were all soaked, stick to my body and my hair? They were wild. I must be looking like an ape of the jungle!

"Who maa?"

I shouted on top of my lungs while running wildly, in the garden between the rain to rinse my soul.

I heard footsteps, a loud one coming near to me and my state of mind was getting blank all over again.

"Julia, is that you?"

A man in the shadows, wearing all the black suit as he has arrived from his office Was calling my name again and again.

I was still not ready to accept the fact that I was the girl he was looking for.
So I didn't reply.

I was too occupied with getting soaked in the rain.

But then again I forgot everyone has their desires to follow and I felt a touch on my shoulder.

"Hi, I am Arnav Mehra,"

I saw that man's eyes and it reminded me of someone from the past. The same eyes, deep green covered in all the storms as they will get defeat one day.

But who is he? Arnav? I have never heard that name before? What does he want? 

"So?" I replied with caution. There was so much mud on the ground and one wrong step of mine will make me collapse in the fathom of dirt.

However, I wanted to run away from here never wanted to catch anyone's scrutiny, so I took a step to run but fate was not on my side and I tip-toed ready to fall on the ground until I felt strong arms on my waist.

Stong arms that were encircling my waist as capturing me in another world just to make me fall harder this time!

They were not gentle more engaged in power as establishing something!

And I at the same moment grabbed his hands and jerked them away.

Oops! I forgot that I will fall on the ground in the mud if I did this!  my back covering all dirt.

And if that was not enough that Arnav fell on top of me.

His pressure hovering my body and I was ready to collapse, I was struggling in the hope to get away from his presence.

He chuckled,

Laughed hard at then I realized my face got dirty too.

Enough is enough! He cannot laugh at me whenever he wants!

And with that, I covered my fist with wet mud and smudged it over his face.

"Now, you can giggle the way you want!"

He stopped, stood up, and tried to clean his suit.

Is he incredibly think that his suit will get clean?

And I chuckled, chuckled like a madwoman, as I tried to get up I missed my step and fall hard again this time on the ground again.

I tried to get up again but was not able to do so.
My foot was aching too expressively way too hard to handle.

And I was striving to do anything to get up but I couldn't.
I screamed with pain when It commenced aching too much. My eyes went closed, all the cold water was sprinkling on my body and my eyes were shut to see the regime of the world.

And then I was not on the ground anymore, I was in the air gliding away all the storms then I realize that guy was carrying me and making his way inside the house.

My eyes were still closed, I didn't want him to read my eyes like an open book. So I shut my eyes as the world outside doesn't exist for me.

When I felt I was on the sofa. I opened them again. Like a thud, I was on the reality back again.

"Julia, are you fine?"

My mother was stressed to see me like this. She always cares about me too much, sometimes it hurts that what if I didn't give anything in return to her!

"She is fine, Aunt,"

That guy huskily said, I know I did wrong to him. Showed awfully attitude to him when he never did anything wrong.

"Oh, Arnav! I hope you are right!"

As I again screamed with pain, her eyes went wide in shock!

He chuckled, "maybe she needs some ointment to apply on her foot!"

And my horrified mother went into the kitchen to find a first aid box.

"You need to grow up!" I heard his voice covered with sarcasm near to me.

When I looked at him with utter confusion, he nodded at me and shake his head, "oh, by the way, I am Arnav Mehra! heir of Mehra Industries and your admirer,"



And the New journey started again.

I hope you guys will like this chapter💕💕💕💕💕
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