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Come on, dance with me, the night can wait.


"Blue suits her!" When his words reached my ears my heart got piled up in a race of fiction.

"Excuse me, Neel?" Arnav cleared his throat while sliding his arm to my waist, pulling me more closer to his warmth.

"She used to wear all shades of blue in California," he smirked, resting his stormy eyes on me.

His eyes were mischievous as he had something in his mind. What does he want to do?

Now, Arnav was staring at me, clenching me more closer to his side, maybe he wanted to have answers to why his cousin knows specific information about my preference.

I cleared my throat, to say whatever comes in so that the tension in the air could cease.
"As time changed, my preference changed too," I smiled at Arnav that was looking all confused and too taken aback by my revelation.

I could feel Neel's heated gaze on me, something radiated on his face- regret? Gratitude? Whatever it possesses, the consequence is already too late.

"May I have a chance to dance with this gorgeous lady?" Mr Khurana bowed down a little while extending his hand to me.

And I couldn't say no to him. So I grabbed his hand when the slow music started healing all the lovers in the night.

And not only we! Couples were dancing with each other under the shimmery lights of crystals. It was a time of day but here inside we were already way back of time.

Soft music was on, it was one of the etiquettes to start a gathering while doing a round-up of everyone and what's better than a couple, or friends, or whatever dancing with each other.

Mr Khurana was the man of respectability, though by the looks I was receiving back I thought he might not be a good man. However, he didn't do anything appropriate, rather he talked about his business and the flow of the market that was moving more to the competition by foreign investors, he even told me- he keeps his interest in my company to gain more power in the upcoming days to gain the more market stake.

At least for a point of duration, my mind has something else besides my fiancee and that hazel green eyes boy.

Suddenly, the lights got dimmer and it was all black, shadowing the room with nothing but darkness as a storm is going to invade all the thoughts, my heart started thumping in my chest, something more anxious and extraordinary was about to come,
All the partners were changing positions one by one, and I had no continuation why my heart is In the process of exploitation.

It was too dark for me to find anything, to even hold on when I felt a touch on my waist, strong arms were encircling me until I was inches apart from the strong chest.

You are my fire

The famous song from the back street boys started playing, and my mind goes back to those days when I was in school the first time I listened to this song

The one desire

When the first time I got bullied in the Mountbatten school, I used to listen to this song and hum the lullaby under my breath until one day the boy with hazel green eyes mocked me when my face was not visible to him.

Believe when I say

I felt a joint of current in my body when all the shimmery lights started sparkling revealing Neel's closeness to my heart.

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