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Thousand miles to go



"Come here,"

These three words I could hear when I saw his face tormented in blood. He was whispering my name over and over again.

His eyes were bloodshot as he had been in pain and his cracked smile was telling me all the secrets that he has been hiding for too long.

He came closer to me, only to look into my eyes made me realize all those thousand nights which I had suffered

I was running, running late behind the time, running late and I couldn't catch anything on time. It's like I m falling from the sky and there is nothing on the ground to catch me.

I am falling hard this time with no idea if I am going to make it from here or not.

My breath got hitched then all of a sudden It became hot, as the sun has arrived silently in the night only to me burn me and this time I am suffering everything it has given to me.

"Julia, wake up!"

My eyes went open, I was shivering from inside, my body was covered up in the sweat then I realized I was dreaming again; dreaming again which I never want to do in my life.

I looked up my image in the mirror, I was a mess.

"Julia, come fast breakfast is ready!"
My mother called my name again, and this time she was more authoritative.
She won't understand anything if I tried to say what I am feeling right now!

Well, it's not her mistake! I have never told her anything about California so it is better if I could keep all the aspects up to myself.

I got ready in the span of half an hour then went downstairs only to realize Aunt Marie and Arnav Malhotra was already at the table waiting for me.

What's his problem?

Did I ditch him last night right? Still, he is here in all his glory smiling at me!

I fake-smiled and patted my eyelashes to him, and ignored my aunt completely.

She deserves to be neglected, she started all this mess with her tiny little brain.

"Oh, Julia, won't you hug your generous aunt?"

Generous my foot!

She looked at me, fake-smiled! Yes, I know she doesn't like me for who I am! She always wants to change me but I am reluctant to change! I am who I am.

However, my mother didn't like my sentiments and then I had to hug her. I had to come in her warmth and she almost choked me up to death. As she will kill me from her pressure.

Then she laughed and whispered to my ears, "you are so going to marry this boy!" Which made my eyes went wide for a second then I fidgeted for a moment.

When she left me I was still lost in my thoughts about what is going to happen in my life.

"So, how was your dinner?"
My mother asked, and Aunt Marie winked at me,
Before I could say- it went all wrong, this dump ordered some nonsense food without acknowledging my presence and I was all hungry dying from the absence of food so I jerked him off!

"It went great, Aunt!" He looked at me, his heated gaze was too extensively, making me uncomfortable as he was trying to read my soul through my eyes, wanted to declare something with his power, and I and the same moment wanted to hide behind the walls.

Wanted to hide behind the walls from all the species of man, wanted to hide from all living existence on earth!

I didn't say anything at that time because my father, Mr David arrived from his holiday trip.

What a time to enter Dad,

My life is in the process of becoming a tragedy because I know where it will lead me into.

Anyways, I hugged him. He still smells like cinnamon must be drinking his favourite flavour tea from all the way.

He ruffled my hair as a little kid and hugged me back in his warmth.

Then he found  Aunt Marie staring at him. And to be one thing precise this was not a good situation.

It would be very gentle for me if  I would run away from here.

So, I tip-toed, where everyone was engulfed in their chatting I found the correct moment to run away.

I swiftly in slow steps without making any noise started my way to the door.

"Julia? Where are you going?"

Everything was going great but this bastard has to speak up every time!

He was grinning, a smirk was plastered on his face, and more than anything I wanted to wipe that stupid smirk on his face.

"Nowhere, Arnav I was trying to do some dance,"

What did I blurt out? And why?
Why on earth I say I was trying to dance! There is something extremely wrong with me.

"May I join you,"

Join me? Yes, come over here so I could slap you and maybe bite you! Do you want this interesting? You want this romanticised then let me make it romanticised for you!

"And who are you?" My father asked, he was confused, it was written all over on his face that he didn't know this stupid heir of Mehra Industries.

"I am Arnav Mehra, the heir of Mehra Industries!"

Oh! So proud he was to claim that he is the heir of some nonsense industry!


What's wrong? Did my father didn't heard what he said? Maybe I should help him to recognize his words.

"He said- He is the heir of some nonsense industry,"


My slippery tongue did what I was avoiding from my whole life. I was way better in past when I didn't use to disrespectful to anyone. However, I don't understand why the mother of God changed me when everyone was looking at me as I have grown another head over my body.

"HAHA! You are so funny Julia, here let me hug you!"

Out of nowhere, he came so close to me and before I could run away he possessed my body and embraces me in a tight hug.

My whole body was pressed next to him, it was too much intimacy, suddenly I felt his hand on my waist, and I didn't let that happen so I pushed him away. Pushed him away so he couldn't fell on the floor and understand that he cannot touch me against my permission.

"David, this is the boy I was talking about, the boy I chose for Julia,"


"And aunt pray to tell me who gave you right to choose anybody for me?" I raised my eyebrows.

Let me become a bad-mouthed girl again ahead of her because she was crossing her line for too long and of course  I am not ready to take anybody's shit anymore.

She looked at me, rested her hands on her waist as she was in the wrestling ground, then laughed at me with her dangerous voice that was echoing the whole house.

Then in her most abducted manner, she said," your father gave me the right! Young girl!"

And at that moment I wanted to collapse in the earth with my body in itself.


Getting interesting already?

And it's a request to all readers kindly give feedback to let me know if I am doing justice to the story or not.


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