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The normal part of you waking up these days included a girl lying on your chest. It was more unusual that it was only one this time. At first, having just awakened, you noted this more in slight wonder. And why did the lower part of this girl feel rather wet and slippery?

'I thought you were dense before, but this?' Archer mentally shook his head. 'Are you seriously perplexed about what happened?'

'As a matter of fact, I just figured it out.' You countered, whistling mentally after that. 'Man, I thought it would never end.'

You checked the time. Early morning, approaching the time for morning training and then preparing breakfast.

"No." Akeno moaned groggily. She adjusted herself to nuzzle against you, kissing your collarbone. "Let's stay like this, Daddy. We've already trained your stamina where in you were phenomenal. Besides.... *Yawn*... naked cuddles are the best reward I can offer for my sword."

"Stay in bed it is." You agreed. You did not feel like getting up either, being rather tired along with sore. You looked down to get a better look at Akeno. In a way, the fact that her hair was unkept was appealing in of itself. There were also plenty of red marks on her skin. Then again, you likely had a similar amount.

"So I take it I met the expectations." You remarked.

"I'd think using the word 'phenomenal' means you exceeded it." She replied. "I don't think I'll be able to walk."

"Avalon can fix that."

"Ara ara. So eager to put something inside me." Akeno giggled.

"Unless it can do that and not the marks, no. I want them to know this person you called a 'great woman' is yours." She further declared. When you thought it over, and presumed that she wanted you to do the same, the consequences became a bit more clear.

"I don't think that will matter now that we've opened the floodgates."

"For the other girls, yes. But I want the outside world to know."

The couple remained like this until someone finally broke the peaceful rest. Thankfully, the girls had the sense to knock on the door. It was likely that they would have figured out why Akeno very specifically had it just be her sleeping with you. But that did not stop them from openly shooting jealous glances at Akeno. As she wanted, they could see some of the marks. That also did not stop them from blushing at their own thoughts for that matter. The same went for a spirit form Tamamo and the school too.

"What's all the ruckus?" Issei wondered when he inevitably came to class. You already had to deal with the other student's reactions beforehand, but this was admittedly the one to look forward to.

"You seriously don't know?" Aika smirked. "Notice something about (F/n)?"

Issei looked closer. "Looks like he's got some marks on the neck..."

"So does your VP. Have we figured it out yet?"

"" Shock and envy took the place of confusion for the Pawn. "No! No you didn't!"

"So what if I did?" You chuckled at the look on his face. You had a feeling Akeno was enjoying a similar reaction from Rias.

"Did what?" Irina asked. This had gotten the attention of the others that did not reside in your home, including an Angel and a Goddess.

"It appears that (F/n) has put the bone of his sword into its sheathe." Saber said nonchalantly. Irina, perhaps with mental explanation from Saber, went quite red at the thought, along with an expression of envy rather unbefitting of an Angel.

Wrought Iron Devil (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now