Two Wings

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A flash of falchions was the next reaction to the incoming haloes, Eye of Mind taking over to protect yourself from the immediate attack. Still more rings of light came at in quick succession while Irina flew towards you to exploit her suppressive fire. The imbalanced Angel called upon a light sword that was brought down with a cry onto you.

Kanshou and Bakuya intercepted the oncoming attack in an X position. Still, with just normal strength, you groaned under the strain. Irina had put all of her weight and leverage into the cleave.

"Trace...on." You grunted, reinforcing the arms and shoulders to better take it. The blades remained in the bind. And with two weapons to hers with a great deal of experience, you had the advantage of being able to strike while still binding her sword. But that was for someone that needed to be killed. Irina most certainly did not count. The question was precisely the opposite.

"Irina! What are you doing?!" You got out. "It's me! (F/n)!"

Instead of getting through to her, however, it proved to be the opposite effect. She screamed and and repeatedly brought her light sword down with all of her might. Then she switched to swing up from below. You sidestepped to the left and then used the flat of the married weapons to block a follow up kick. Irina made to fly off before you could counter, throwing more rings of light.

"Shakespeare! What did you do?!" You shouted to the spectating Caster.

"Why would thou accuse me of our Angel's current state, my impossible man?" Shakespeare said in mock innocence.

"Don't lie to me." You spat even as you fended off another series of attacks. "She's not like this. You messed with her head, didn't you?!"

"Correct, (F/n)." Another voice joined in. Saber had appeared in physical form. Her expression was stern yet her eyes belied her anger. "Caster has made use of his Noble Phantasm. Irina's thoughts are a chaotic mess."

'Of course.' Archer mused.

"Of course what?" You got out in between dodges and blocks.

'Most everyone has a flaw or vulnerability in their character. All it would take is pushing the right buttons.'

"And at that, Shakespeare excels." Saber finished.

"Oh come now, excluding the audience from the dialogue is not a characteristic of good work." Shakespeare besieged.

"Who said you were the audience?"

"Oh ho! You are aware of our story being read by the masses?"

"...... What?"

Shakespeare sighed. "Oh how dreadful. You don't know."

The conversation was interrupted by another tear filled scream when Irina ramped up her reckless and frenzied attacks.

"Enough. Cease your torment of my Master at once, Caster." Saber readied her sword to go with her threat.

"Your hostility is misplaced my dear King of Knights." Shakespeare refuted.

Saber scowled and made to close the distance on the Caster servant. But a flash of red flared from Irina's hand. The hand with her Command Seals.

"What? No!" Saber came to a halt, shaking as though she was resisting something. "Irina! I beg you! Please.... don't."

Wrought Iron Devil (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now