Independent Action

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"Are you really going to sit back?"

"No Archer." You answered.

The two of you resided on that barren sword filled hill again, as part of your usual nightly meeting.

"But we're not exactly in a position to act directly." You explained.

"And who exactly said that was the only venue?" Archer folded his arms.

"Indirect action? Like gathering information, observation?"

"Indeed." He nodded. "We both know that we will get involved one way or another. They said not to intervene in their mission. Whoever said that we couldn't do something not directly impacting it?"

"Well it's the weekend, meaning we can venture out."

"Not an awful idea. If we are attacked, we get the justification of being attacked first." Archer smirked.

"We also have eyes in the sky. I think we need to track down our informant after breakfast." You decided.


*Doorbell Ring*

"I'll get it." You said to your father. The two of you had just finished breakfast after a good portion of the morning was spent sleeping in.

You walked up to your front door. Upon opening it, a certain Vice President was standing there. Akeno had apparently decided to visit your house now. Because of the weekend, it was most surely not training. Something else was going on.

So there was only one thing to do.

"Ara. Is that how you greet a girl visiting you?" Akeno said with false innocence.

"I'm sorry, but what are you doing here Akeno?" You asked nervously. It was only natural to be nervous when you had a female guest at your house, especially when one crushed on said guest.

"Remember when you mentioned those violent games?" She asked, referring to  that banter back in that Rating Game.


"I thought I would take you up on the offer." She explained. "Is now a bad time?"

"No. Not really." You answered.

'Yes it is.'

"I'm down for some games." You reaffirmed. You were not lying about that part, actually. Besides, there was such a thing as multitasking.

"Consoles in the living room." You gestured for her to come in, and in the same instance used the sound of her footsteps to mask summoning Enty as she walked past. As she was also briefed about the plan you had made, Enty needed no further direction and flew off as you closed the door behind Akeno.

One quick explanation was thankfully all your father needed, though he did pull you aside and said no funny business of a particular kind.

"So which one should we start with?" Akeno asked, gesturing to the multiple consoles and associated games.

"Hmmm. How about something with co-op? Versus would end with me stomping you into the dirt."

"Ara Ara."

"Figurative speech. Multiplayer would have weirdos being flat out creepy."

"So your online friends are naughty...."

Wrought Iron Devil (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now